Jan 03, 2006 23:13
Please fill out this form, and EMAIL IT (don't post it in the comments!) to sorfics@gmail.com.
LJ User name:
For you to write
Anything you would be seriously unwilling to write: (discluding ships; those go in a separate section)
Do you prefer Slash, Het, and/or Gen:
Ships you dislike strongly:
Ships you like:
Ships you would be willing to try:
Prefered kinks and/or genres:
Highest rating you will write:
Other Comments:
For you to recieve
Top 3 ships, in order: (If you would prefer a gen fic, please state so here)
Prompt: (can be a series of words, a set of general events that you would like to happen, or anything else you can think of, as long as you allow your gift author some creative space)
Prefered rating:
Anything I missed:
mod post,