Dreams and Whining

Feb 28, 2007 09:50

What to complain about first?

I had the weirdest dreams this morning. In the first part of the first one, a friend had sent me a sandwich. I've had dreams before in which there's a buffet of delicious-looking food, and I fill my plate, but then I wake up before I get to try it. But in this dream, I got to eat that whole sandwich, and it was really good. I could really taste the alfalfa sprouts and the mayo. I wonder if it means that my decision to stop eating meat is the right one, because it was a vegetarian sandwich, whereas at least one of my buffet dreams had meat in it.

But then the dreams segued into being at work, and I was trying to make a phone call. This dream was probably because of the mention of work going eventually to VOIP, but in the dream, I had to do some on-line thing to make a phone call, and I couldn't figure it out. Have to go through a whole page of setting stuff up, and I still could not figure out how to get it to work, or maybe it just wasn't working right. But I have a really low frustration level for technological problems, and I was so upset by the end of that part of the dream. Why couldn't I just pick up the phone and make a fucking call???? BTW, I'm pretty sure that even with VOIP, you just pick up the phone and make your calls.....

And maybe my last complaint of the morning. In between packing and getting the house ready last night (I'll be out of town for a few days, starting tonight), I finished reading a story I'd found maybe more than a year ago that had been a WIP, but is now finished. Now, I know that it's heartrending and romantic to have characters build a relationship against all odds and then one of them dies*, but am I the only one who hates those types of endings? I know I still read and write wartime fics, and I usually need to write plot, not just character study types of pieces, but isn't it just as interesting to read about them trying to make a life once there is no more war or Dark Lord looming over them, and they have to learn to get along without all the external excitement? Or does that sound utterly boring to everyone else? I think it's why I write so much post-war Snupin (drabbles and ficlets, usually): two nearly-middle aged guys, each trying to make room in his life for the other. Not as exciting as Death Eaters and spying and torture, I guess. And certainly not very wizard-y. Maybe I'm just old?

*One of the characters got together with another, which I could sort of see coming, so it wasn't as horrible as if he'd been alone, but still.

dreams, fic ideas, venting, rl, snupin

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