Movie rec and fandom-y stuff

Jan 28, 2007 19:19

If you haven't seen "Latter Days", get it. Little indie film from a few years ago about a Mormon missionary in Los Angeles who admits his own homosexuality when pursued by a hot, hunky neighbor. The continuity is a little off in parts and I know nothing about editing, really, but I still would have made a few changes here and there, BUT there are quite a few famous people (i.e. excellent actors/actresses) in it and I spent the whole movie saying, "Oh, my God, he's SO CUTE!!!!" about each of the leads in turn. Very yummy young men. Check it out (if I'm not the slasher on lj to have done so).

Started RPGing today over at gj, in a game that summerborn got me to join. Chat going on during the RP, with very nice people, who RP well and gave me suggestions when I got stuck and helped me do other stuff. Plus fun chat about a particular rarepair that kind of gives me the willies but I still want Rana to write it. ;-D

FINALLY got bunnied for summerborn's Valentine's Day fic -- eeheeheeheeheehee. Using a cliche, but I still think she'll like it.

And non-fandom-y, but it's supposed to get down to 19 here tonight. Do I bother covering plants, or do I let natural selection take over?

fic ideas, guys, on writing, recs, movies

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