Whinin' and reccin'

Jul 20, 2006 11:41

Finally saw "School of Rock". Fun film. Miranda Cosgrove, who plays Summer, really made that movie. I don't know how they could have put a different kid in that role.

And I was totally taken with Freddy, the drummer. The way he's unhappy at school, telling people to shut up, then he gets to let some of that aggression and energy out on the drums. My favorite part -- when they get to the Battle of the Bands audition and the other musicians are all "Little kids?" and he gets right up there, shouting, "You want a piece of me?!"

The actor, Kevin something, looks a bit like Tom Felton, who plays Draco Malfoy. I would really like some fic about this character. Gen would be okay, and I don't normally like chan, but maybe there's a massive perv (like me) out there somewhere who wrote a fic about what might have happened if Dewey hadn't gotten out to the van as soon as he did? I don't want anything horrible (although by definition, child molestation IS horrible), but maybe just an educational, eye-opening experience for him, about what adult male rockers are like? He's just such a tough little kid who turns out to be okay. (I didn't even notice, until watching the "kids' kommentary" that he's giving a piggyback ride to Marta after the performance.) The amazing thing for me was something the actor said in the extras -- that he started playing drums because his mom bought him a set at a garage sale when he was four or five, hoping that he'd burn off some energy. It really paid off, he's great, but my question is, what kind of sound-proofed house and/or deaf mom did he have?!?!?!? What mother in her right mind buys her hyperactive kid a drum set??? That's the kind of gift you give to kids whose parents you don't like.

ETA: on a quick scan of ff.net, apparently most of the fics there *are* about Freddy. Why am I never unique?

Another rec:
Even if you don't watch House, M.D., I think you'll be able to appreciate this cartoon by a very talented lj artist. The frames go from right to left, top to bottom, like a Japanese manga, so make sure you read it that way or it may not make sense. She's done other cartoons, but this is the one that had me in tears of laughter. I don't think there are any spoilers for the show and I don't think you have to know the characters, either. Just go read and enjoy.

And the whine: I wrote a drabble and managed to make it fit NONE of the drabble challenges at any of the communities I belong to or just signed up for. So I posted it elsewhere and I've gotten no comments, which might mean that it sucks. Can I trust you guys to be honest and let me know if it really does suck? It's possible that it's just not a very active comm. HP drabble, Remus/Tonks (no, I didn't really write het).

fic ideas, my fics-hp, recs, movies, lupin

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