Okay, so the first part of Reversal will NOT be getting to the ficexchange today, oops....It's terrible, but I breathe a huge sigh of relief when I open my email and see that FR has not sent it back with her comments. On one hand, I want it to be good so I'm having it beta-edited; on the other hand, I'm cringing at the thought of everything she'll find wrong with it, since I know I don't write very well.
Part two is going sloooooowwwwwllly....I'm being lazy, but also it's just hard! Don't know how to do the bliss-and-talking section. I'd like to do it as a bit out of each day, but not sure how to set that up. Think people will not be too happy with the whole thing as it's way too long with too much plot and not enough UST. And no on-screen sex.
Hey, Hi to
kennahijja! I truly love your story so far, and I look forward to reading more of your stuff. Speaking of H/D, you must have read "Seamus is Seamus and You Are Yourself". I can't remember who wrote it, but it's on the Potter Slash Archives (or it was a few months ago). Draco having fluffy bunny feelings and quite honestly admitting it to himself -- very funny stuff.
Ooh, now that I have two Friends (hey, Linzi, how are the wedding preps coming? *cues theme from "Jaws"*), I feel like posting all the Discussion Questions that pop up in my head from time to time. Maybe I'll save them for tomorrow. Okay, must go work on fic! Or go to sleep!!