Good timing, as
1_bad_idea and I have been discussing why people are so opposed to gay marriage. Actually, it was less of a "why" discussion than just us saying "how can people be so stupid about this?!?!?"
The headline ("Poll: Half of Americans Oppose Gay Marriage") gave me a brief moment of hope, when I thought that it meant that the other half approved of it, but no such luck. The article can be found
As far as civil unions go: I thought that the Supreme Court decided in 1954 that separate but equal was not equal.
The most interesting theory/info not mentioned in this article (but that you probably already know), is that Southerners might feel as if traditional marriage is being threatened because the South has the highest divorce rates in the country, while Massachusetts, having the lowest divorce rates, doesn't see gay marriage as any kind of threat. To that, I say, "Clean up your own yard before you start telling the neighbors what to plant."