I'm taking part in
ownficfest, which is the only reason a fic started long ago finally got finished. (If you head over there and you know which fic is mine, please don't say anything, as they'll reveal the authors later.) The posting began October 1, and there are some really wonderful fics there, but I have to rec these three.
The one written for me (yay!),
It's a Kind of Magic, young Snape, Lily, and Petunia learning about one kind of magic. Slice of English life.
A Fugue in Furtive Moments. Part of the summary: "an interstitial spy tale in which Ron resorts to sleeping in hotel bathtubs, Lucius gets to smugly wear turtlenecks, and the both of them share some interesting magic." Ron/Lucius, so you're not caught by surprise. Complicated, but really well done.
Gifts, which is quite dark but has a few rays of hope. "Summary: On the day of Snape's return to Hogwarts as Headmaster, he settles some old scores and makes some offerings." It's got het in it, and yet I'm still reccing it, that's how good it is. :-P
ETA: Four! The Spanish Inquisition...I mean, my rec list has grown to four. How could I forget this one:
A Passion For Ruin. Ron/Pansy, Ron/Pansy/Draco, Ron/Draco. "Summary: Draco and Pansy enjoy each other all the more whenever they choose a third person to enliven their nights. Still, what they want more than anything is a challenge." Dark, hot, twisted, delicious.