kennahijja! Every time I swear I'm not ever going over to fandomwank again, and then I spend HOURS surfing......
The people over there are kind of jerks, very annoying, especially when they've obviously not read the original posts before doing their mocking (and/or they don't get the jokes/sarcasm that fuelled the wank, leading to somewhat wanky comments of their own). And I really don't understand people's ranting in their personal journals making fandomwank. Isn't one's personal journal the place you can vent like a crazy person, without repercussions? God knows I do it enough, and maybe I'm stupid, but I don't feel like I should be mocked for letting off steam. *lets off steam*
And yet I spend hours there whenever
kennahijja posts a link (because I can't remember the url otherwise). I guess I'm just her bitch, even if she doesn't know it. :-\
Vet appt. tomorrow night to see if the cat's eye is getting any better. Eye drops three times a day and he's not a happy camper. I can't tell if he's in pain or if he's just depressed that I won't let him outside. I got him to purr and rub today, though.
warning: Heroes' spoiler below
Caitlin? Is that the Irish girl’s name? Apologies if I got the dialogue wrong; I was watching in bits and pieces.
Caitlin: There must be someone looking for you. Friends…a girlfriend…family?
Peter: (goes still) Nathan. Oh, my god, Nathan! (lets go of Caitlin, lifts a hand to his head in shock)
Caitlin: Who’s Nathan?
Peter: (kisses her on the forehead) I’ve got to go. (Flies out window all the way back to New York, where he has a tearful reunion with Nathan, followed by hot reunionsex)
end spoiler
Seems like there was something else to post about....Anyone know where I can get radish earrings?