Jan 29, 2007 18:09

well, alex and I are fueding with comcast right now so we still don't have cable or internet, we had been pirating internet but lobo333 must have figured it out because our pirating days are over (and now this hook just looks rediculous) on the one hand it isn't soo bad, we have internet at school, and thanks to the T it now costs way more to ride so we end up spending more time at school anyway,.....also...... thanks to our friends and family we now have the John Waters boxset, Martin Scorsese's Blues boxset, and various other movies, (in addition to the thousands of movies and show boxsets we already owned) (not really thousands, but hundreds) we are never bored..... plus we read sometimes.

in other news, berklee ice hockey is starting to get tons of publicity since the boston globe wrote an article about us (http://www.boston.com/sports/colleges/gallery/12_20_06_berklee_hockey/)
NPR (national public radio) is doing a story on us for one of their sports shows (i forget the name) and man from the show (oddly, a montclair native) came to my ensemble this morning and interviewed me, I don;t know when it is airing but I'll post when i find out. John "Pie" McKenzie, ex Bruins player is now the coach of our team, NESN (New England Sports Network) is doing a story on us, and other shit, damn.

It was Alex's bday this weekend and we had a nice party, it was nice, happy birthday alex.

Tattoo's are scheduled for this saturday (yikes) pictures to come...

the end <3 EP
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