I came across this via my friends of friends list and had to comment because yes. On all of this. I'm a musician as well, though instrumental instead of vocal, and it absolutely is a spiritual experience. Music makes me feel closer to the universe, and more a part of it, than anything else. It always has.
Also, Chuck? Was awesome this week, if only because it's a rare show that gives me a finale that isn't all about the angst these days. There's one bit that has me uneasy for next season (Seriously, show. What made you think that was a good idea?!?), but I'm mostly excited to see where they go next.
And Bones. Yes! I'd all but given up on it this season. Signs in the Silence was the first time I saw a glimmer of hope and the first episode in a long time that didn't give away its bad guy in the first five minutes. And then. Then. Hole in the Heart. What an all around excellent episode that was - even if I can't get that stupid song out of my head. Here's hoping they don't totally screw up the finale, yes
( ... )
Its good to hear another person who has a spiritual connection with music. I have a few RL friends who do, but it seems a little harder to find them on the net.
Oh Chuck. You are my new show. ILY. And I gotta ask...the thing your sketch about..is it the thing with Morgan? Cuz that's what I'm sketch about. Also have mixed feelings about 'cutting ties' completely with the gov'ment.
Guh. Hole in the Heart was hard for me. And Signs in the Silence packed a pretty heavy punch. If the finale has built at all on the last two's levels of greatness...hold on to your underwear, folks, it's gonna be a bumpy ride!
Just an fyi...had no idea what "tl;dr," meant until I just looked up. *facepalm* I thought it was botched coding. I fail.
Oh don't even fret--I totally cheated and friended you this morning. I recognized your handle and your icon and was like, "Wait...I recognize...what do you mean we're not friends?" So I did it all ninja like, so no worries. :P I totally get the absent minded thing. I'd forget my head if it weren't attached
( ... )
I'm trying to hold off on judgment with the whole Morgan thing, but this part in the back of my mind really feels like its jumping the shark.
Hannah was just...I genuinely liked her as a person, she was very pleasant...but you're right, she wasn't flawed enough to fit in the Bones 'verse. But again, as the season went on, it was revealed that she really is very selfish...and Booth would not do well in a long term relationship with a selfish person, because he gives and gives and gives.
I could go either way with the pregnancy thing...I admit it'd be easier for them logistically if they wrote it in, but at the least, I hope that they TOUCH on the issue of Brennan having a baby--it seems like after the end of season 4, they dropped the idea like a hot tamale, but the desire for a child doesn't just...go away. And that issue could be highlighted with the Hodgela baby coming along. But I need some serious B&B fluff. I'm DYING here.
...this part in the back of my mind really feels like its jumping the shark.
I can understand that. For my part, I'm not heavily invested in Chuck. It's just a fun show. Unlike Bones, which has such a hold on my heart that it's unnerving sometimes.
she really is very selfish...and Booth would not do well in a long term relationship with a selfish person, because he gives and gives and gives.
Oh, this is very true, and a piece of the picture I'd not really thought of before. What I see in Booth is somebody who desperately needs to be needed, and I never got the impression that Hannah needed anybody. Bones does need him, though. I don't know that it's something she's consciously aware of, but she leans on him so very much. He's her (to borrow an X-files line) touchstone. And I'm a big fan of touchstones. :)
I absolutely want them to return to the 'Brennan wants a baby' thing. I just don't want it to be this baby. I'm selfish. I want at least a handful of episodes that focuses on them and their relationship exclusively - no further
( ... )
the whole thing with Hannah just...turned me off so completely
Me, too, but while I adore Chuck the romance there doesn't have quite strong enough a hold on me (because let's be honest, that's what I'm in it for), as the Bones one did. I ended up directing all that frustrated yearning toward Castle, instead. And that show? Has been breathtaking this season. So, so good.
The term co-dependent has always had rather a negative connotation for me. No idea why. I prefer the yin and yang take, which I totally agree with. They balance each other beautifully.
Sweets, well, he might've been dead on, but I've spent most of the past year wanting to throttle the man. He so should have had his license revoked months, if not years ago. Admittedly, my irritation with him is likely grounded in my own training and background, and I'm aware of that. But it's like a doctor who can't watch medical shows because the writers get too much wrong. Sweets? Isn't any kind of mental health professional I've ever known or would ever care to know
( ... )
Chuck has a more...happy-ever-after, fluffy romance. Bones is where I get my major "rip my heart open," romance. And to be honest, real life has been pretty drab for me the past months, so I guess the happy romance of Chuck just appeals to me more. Plus...I adore Zachary Levi. So very very much. *dreamy sigh*
I have not watched Castle yet, but it is next on my to-watch list. Gosh that list is getting long....
Ah Hollywood, you make frustrations for professionals everywhere due to inaccuracy....I dunno what it is about Sweets this season, but he's been borderline out of character, completely disregarding the accuracy in psychology factor that's always a question. I dont like it. :/ its like his character has regressed.
And what? Celebs wanting to have personal lives? What is this! :P
Also, Chuck? Was awesome this week, if only because it's a rare show that gives me a finale that isn't all about the angst these days. There's one bit that has me uneasy for next season (Seriously, show. What made you think that was a good idea?!?), but I'm mostly excited to see where they go next.
And Bones. Yes! I'd all but given up on it this season. Signs in the Silence was the first time I saw a glimmer of hope and the first episode in a long time that didn't give away its bad guy in the first five minutes. And then. Then. Hole in the Heart. What an all around excellent episode that was - even if I can't get that stupid song out of my head. Here's hoping they don't totally screw up the finale, yes ( ... )
Its good to hear another person who has a spiritual connection with music. I have a few RL friends who do, but it seems a little harder to find them on the net.
Oh Chuck. You are my new show. ILY. And I gotta ask...the thing your sketch about..is it the thing with Morgan? Cuz that's what I'm sketch about. Also have mixed feelings about 'cutting ties' completely with the gov'ment.
Guh. Hole in the Heart was hard for me. And Signs in the Silence packed a pretty heavy punch. If the finale has built at all on the last two's levels of greatness...hold on to your underwear, folks, it's gonna be a bumpy ride!
Just an fyi...had no idea what "tl;dr," meant until I just looked up. *facepalm* I thought it was botched coding. I fail.
Hannah was just...I genuinely liked her as a person, she was very pleasant...but you're right, she wasn't flawed enough to fit in the Bones 'verse. But again, as the season went on, it was revealed that she really is very selfish...and Booth would not do well in a long term relationship with a selfish person, because he gives and gives and gives.
I could go either way with the pregnancy thing...I admit it'd be easier for them logistically if they wrote it in, but at the least, I hope that they TOUCH on the issue of Brennan having a baby--it seems like after the end of season 4, they dropped the idea like a hot tamale, but the desire for a child doesn't just...go away. And that issue could be highlighted with the Hodgela baby coming along. But I need some serious B&B fluff. I'm DYING here.
I can understand that. For my part, I'm not heavily invested in Chuck. It's just a fun show. Unlike Bones, which has such a hold on my heart that it's unnerving sometimes.
she really is very selfish...and Booth would not do well in a long term relationship with a selfish person, because he gives and gives and gives.
Oh, this is very true, and a piece of the picture I'd not really thought of before. What I see in Booth is somebody who desperately needs to be needed, and I never got the impression that Hannah needed anybody. Bones does need him, though. I don't know that it's something she's consciously aware of, but she leans on him so very much. He's her (to borrow an X-files line) touchstone. And I'm a big fan of touchstones. :)
I absolutely want them to return to the 'Brennan wants a baby' thing. I just don't want it to be this baby. I'm selfish. I want at least a handful of episodes that focuses on them and their relationship exclusively - no further ( ... )
Me, too, but while I adore Chuck the romance there doesn't have quite strong enough a hold on me (because let's be honest, that's what I'm in it for), as the Bones one did. I ended up directing all that frustrated yearning toward Castle, instead. And that show? Has been breathtaking this season. So, so good.
The term co-dependent has always had rather a negative connotation for me. No idea why. I prefer the yin and yang take, which I totally agree with. They balance each other beautifully.
Sweets, well, he might've been dead on, but I've spent most of the past year wanting to throttle the man. He so should have had his license revoked months, if not years ago. Admittedly, my irritation with him is likely grounded in my own training and background, and I'm aware of that. But it's like a doctor who can't watch medical shows because the writers get too much wrong. Sweets? Isn't any kind of mental health professional I've ever known or would ever care to know ( ... )
I have not watched Castle yet, but it is next on my to-watch list. Gosh that list is getting long....
Ah Hollywood, you make frustrations for professionals everywhere due to inaccuracy....I dunno what it is about Sweets this season, but he's been borderline out of character, completely disregarding the accuracy in psychology factor that's always a question. I dont like it. :/ its like his character has regressed.
And what? Celebs wanting to have personal lives? What is this! :P
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