I was sitting down yesterday with my sister and decided to write a little piece on why I love the TV show "Chuck," so much. FOr those who don't follow Chuck (WHICH YOU TOTALLY SHOULD GUYS), ratings have been really bad the last few weeks, so I needed to put out my two cents.
Somewhat essayish; its been a while since I wrote something that wasn't fiction.
We Give a Chuck -- Why I Love this Show
Several years ago, my family began to watch a show. Due to work conflicts, I never got to watch with them, but every Monday I walked out the door and had “Short Skirt, Long Jacket,” stuck in my head for my whole shift.
Fast forward. The time is now January 2011. I walk in from work to catch the ending of “Chuck vs Phase Three.” I’m curious. What on earth...this show is awesome, how did I miss this?! I vaguely recall my best friend trying to get me to watch it several times, so I call her up. She says, “FINALLY!” and lets me borrow the first season.
Thus begins my own Chuck addiction. Every night for the next two and a half weeks, my family and I stayed up much too late watching it together. I was caught up with season four in time to watch Chuck vs the Push Mix on January 31st.
So what is it? What is so addictive about this show? Is it my already there affection for Zachary Levi after being introduced to him through “Tangled?” Is it the fact that it has Adam Baldwin of Firefly fame? The stellar cast? The fun characters? Or is it just the fact that this is a fun and fresh idea? While all of these are true, one of the biggest selling factors for me is that Chuck is a show I can watch with my family.
Our house is a busy place. With seven people ranging from parents in their 40’s to 9 year old little siblings, it’s hard to get us all in one place on any given day. For years, Monday has been the day when we all try our best to be home by 6 PM to spend time together. Sometimes we do activities, other times we’re all just at home doing our own thing. But once we found Chuck, we all had something in common for that hour.
Now every Monday I get home from work and my 13 year old brother greets me with, “Its Chuck night!” We all sit together in the family room and watch Chuck. We laugh, we talk, we just enjoy the experience of watching this great show together. Its a show that everyone can agree on--and how often do you find that? A show that a 9 year old girl and a 17 year old boy can both enjoy? That is a rare thing indeed.
Why does Chuck work for us? For one thing, its appropriate for all ages. Nothing that might require the covering of young eyes. It also has great stories and fantastic humor. It has a little something for everyone. My sister and I are sighing at one end of the couch at the wonderful Chuck and Sarah moments, while my brothers both share an eye roll with Casey at the mushy stuff. Dad likes to make theories as to what’s going to happen- ”Who is this Agent X? I think that...” Mom’s the go-to gal for any obscure pop culture reference made in the show.
Even though my family had been watching for years before I hopped on the wagon, we all got together to watch it as I got caught up. And it was so much fun. And now I’m the one reminding them, “Oh, hiatus this week guys,” only to have them say, “Okay! Lets watch this one from season 2,” in return. Every week they ask me if Chuck has gotten the renewal we all are hoping for.
Of course, no show can last forever, and we’ll find something else we can do together when Chuck eventually ends. But I hope that a show as great as this one can last as long as it can--its too good NOT to. My family’s rooting for it--because we give a Chuck.