(no subject)

Sep 03, 2012 13:45

Life is turning itself back around :). Marcos and I couldn't be happier. Sure there was some rough patches but I have forgiven and we are stronger then before. <3 I am proud of everything he has accomplished !

As for myself I have finished my classes for my preschool certification and should be doing my observation hours starting soon. :) I'm excited!

I am also happy that Marc & I have decided that we will have a child someday. I cannot wait to start a family with him. He's a great man. I've been having a struggle since its been a year since I've lost my mom but he has taken time away from playing his games with friends to make sure that I am okay. ^_^ thanks babe.

The drama in my life is disappearing and one day soon I will be his mrs.

No one is perfect, but ever since we got engaged and focused on what is important, life has been much simpler and we have been happy. After all he is my best friend and I am his. Nothing or no one will stand in the way anymore. "no day but today" I have learned that love is about working past rough patches knowing that at the end of the day we are happy.

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