Aug 10, 2006 08:57
So I threw up in my mouth a little this morning. Andy, the guy that I'm kind of seeing while I'm down here has a habit of semi-waking up in the middle of the night and cooking/eating but I don't think that he's really awake because sometimes he doesn't remember doing it. Ok. The last time that the people who own my house were there was 2004. So I thoroughly cleaned out the fridge when I got there. Except that I left the turkey sausage in the freezer because I didn't want it to melt and stink. I opened up the fridge this morning and there was nasty, melted, two and a half year old turkey sausage completely covering a shelf in my fridge. So yeah, I threw up. Wouldn't you? Im making him clean it next time he comes over. I can't even open the fridge. I just hope hes okay. I looks like he ate a big chunk of it.