Mar 19, 2009 20:18
During my holiday last week, I met up with a friend from school who I hadn't seen in over a year. I was getting a bit worried that we had drifted apart but, as with all good friends, it was like no time had passed at all. It made me very happy to see her, and to see her happy, actually - she's had some pretty shitty luck in the last year or so. An ongoing boyfriend-related trauma (the boyfriend being the trauma) finally ended last spring, and then her dad died in August. I'd also felt bad for not making enough effort to see her after that - I'd been in touch but it seemed like all the opportunities we had to actually see each other were somehow missed. It could have been that she didn't want to see me but probably just that I hadn't tried hard enough.
We were chatting about veganism in relation to person I've been seeing, and she said did I think I'd ever become a vegan (pretty damn unlikely considering my cheese-lust) - I said no, but she replied 'well, if you do, and you ever want a bacon sandwich, come to my house - I won't tell anybody!' Now that's a good friend...