Gosh, where to start - think i will have to do this in instalments!
Well after a nice relaxing week of doing nothing, holed up in the Oxfordshire stix, I and my band of merry gals (and a couple of boys) took the Purple Turtle in Camden by storm on Saturday night. The venue had been chosen a few days before as a belated birthday celebration for myself and a few others, but imagine my joy when i discover that
this is going on. Cue lots of glitter and lipstick, feathers, silly shoes and fishnets tights all round. Not forgetting, of course, my new personal hero Jasbir, replete with tails, waistcoat, fob watch, top hat and silver-topped cane! The latter few of which were of course to be passed happily around all night. Any takers for the Jasbir Purewal Appreciation Society (of which i am now Official Top Hat/Dress Cane Dancer Extraordinaire) should
sign up here.
There was a naked poet, a pole dancer who fell off her pole (doesn't get much better than that, quite frankly), burlesque, latex-clad gorgeousness all around, mesmerisingly obscene hentai cartoons on the TV, and not forgetting the awesome injections of 80's rock into a great playlist of rock and electro. Perhaps we should have a been a little more circumspect with the stage-dancing antics, but what the hell - the sin was Pride, posing for England was pretty much required. As demonstrated by new profile picture.
I'm certainly up for the next sin in December - greed. Fat packs anyone?
Well there's Saturday done (the condensed version!) - I shall save the delights of Sunday and Monday for another post.