Now for Thursday... tee hee.
I was walking home around 11 this evening, the street was empty, and this guy in a brown van kept following me. It was so OBVIOUS because he kept going down the street, turning around the block and then coming back. So I stopped and talked to some random lady on the street (who is actually the mother of a girl I rode the bus with but she didn't know that) and he drove off. I hate the suburbs, this is where all the friggin' crime happens.
Also, on the streetcar some Scottish 'lads' got on and forgot to show their transfers and the conductor was hassling them in a good-natured way. But the thing was, I had no idea they were Scottish... I thought they were like German or Portugese or something because I couldn't understand a friggin' word they were saying. Turns out they were off tah Ootahr's for a Monday night on the town.
And to whoever is listening... I can probably come out Friday night, I guess I'll be able to make it by 10, and I'll stay over as clearly coming home at night is a bit risky...
Also, FUCKING HELL, this
new BRMC song is DAMN GOOD. Like nothing they've ever made before,