Jul 11, 2005 11:08
If you've been watching the news lately you'll have noticed that Britain suffered from a terrorist attack. Also, they are considering ID cards (not an ad-hoc reaction, but it may strengthen their resolve to go through with it.) The British government waxes on about security and it might help with that. But many say that it will be far more expensive than the 6 billion pound price tag (or something like that) the government has given it. Some, who come from the 'if we do/don't do this then the terrorists have won' camp, would say going ahead with ID cards just plays into the hands of the terrorists by creating a panic-stricken society. And of course there are your '1984' and Big Brother arguments as well. I think it's brilliant, not for security though, because that would just be a pain in the ass. But for consolidating all your ID cards onto one. Imagine if you will, an ID card that contains your Drivers license info, health card info AND medical history including allergies and existing medication, hunting licence, water vehicle and whatever else people carry with them. Market that to the British public at a
LOW LOW COST of 100 pounds and you've got such a stream-lined system it would cause all those bureaucrats to piss themselves. Just don't use it for security purposes, because that would be ass.