And who, you say, is the apple of my eye?

Oct 12, 2016 22:01

Ah, it's hard not to feel sheepish. But I remember when I came upon LJ nigh a hundred year ago, after months as an Elijah lurker. ELIJAH. I was always an Elijah girl. And look how that turned out!

So I love George. George Blagden.

Well he is very Elijahesque and also comely, and sweet, and there is fic. And he is fun. And it is FUN to have a crush! I am a respectable quasi-married mother middleaged person now and it has been a LONG FUCKING TIME since I had a crush on anyone (apart from my dear partner and my incomparably beautiful son) and it was like a lightning strike to the ladygarden. For a month now I have spent any free time chortling my way through the internet of George and also his delightful series (Vikings; yes I know Athelstan was very 2013-15, and Versailles, just on in US now after Australia a couple of months ago) and it is keeping me distracted from earnest novels and elegant essays and all the other stuff piled beside my bed for me to read, or write for that matter, and I go to sleep happily imagining George and I wake up and cheerfully think of George and wait all day til the moment around 11pm I can hang out a bit with my crush on George and read fic til my eyes sting and it is FUNFUN. FUN.

I've been very selfless for ages now, I deserve this!

fandom, george

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