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rodneyscat May 2 2010, 08:00:55 UTC
Hello you. Good to see you're doing so well, working on a new book, reading, light gardening, exercising etc.

But omg a kitten! Pics, vids, anecdotes! You can't leave us hanging here!


sophrosyne31 May 2 2010, 08:09:12 UTC
Hello you!!

Ah yes it is all bucolic jam-potting and doily-knitting around here (I wish). I think I am a very lucky little Nana.

Shall wait for a seconding of your invitation to post pics of kitteh, or, as we say around here, to RELEASE THE BEAST.

How are you going?



rodneyscat May 2 2010, 08:38:01 UTC
I see the seconding of request for kitten pics has already happened. Why am I not surprised?

How am I doing? Fandomwise, still perving over pretty boys (most notably Colin Morgan) and reading & reccing fanfic.

RL, still working in a bookstore (don't even know if you were aware that I swapped from cinema to bookstore), happy with Mr. RC and watching my kids turning into young adults.


sophrosyne31 May 3 2010, 10:59:37 UTC
Fandom? Pretty boys? What is this wonderland of which you speak?

Who is Colin Morgan? I think I am terribly out of date.

And ver
y g (sorry, that's kitten-typing-help there)
glad to hear you are all cosy and bookshopping and serene. How nice! I am sure you are very very good at it. :)


rodneyscat May 3 2010, 14:09:28 UTC
Ah, I'm in the Merlin fandom; a BBC production that just finished it's second season and they're now filming the third one. They're playing very loosely with the Arthurian myths. Arthur (Bradley James) is a young prince in a land where magic is forbidden on pain of death, Merlin (Colin Morgan) is Arthur's young servant with a secret; he's magical. Morgana, Gwen (Guinevere), Lancelot, they're all young and not still who they will become. It's the combination of this young, enthusiastic cast and all the behind the scenes stuff we get to see that's so appealing. Here, have some short samples of both:

Arthur and Merlin having a bonding moment

Bradley and Colin going on a roadtrip to discover the 'real Merlin and Arthur'And yeah, I'm all about Colin Morgan. Following his acting career, hoping he'll get back to stagework at some point, waiting for the two indie movies he's got coming up. As far as looks go he seems to be an acquired taste for some (it was pretty much love at first sight for me though), but he wins a lot of hearts ( ... )


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