More fun with names

Feb 16, 2010 19:09

Because I had so much fun making my “What would my name be if I were trans?” entry, I decided to make another name entry. (I love names!!!)

Nicknames I have answered to:

-Meliss (my dad is usually the one who calls me this, but others have too)

-Lissy/Lissi/Lissie (nobody could ever agree with the spelling; it was my grandma’s nickname for me, and some of my friends called me that in middle school)

-Missa (another high school nickname)

-Mel (for about one day, when a friend in my high school who had been incorporated into the “family” of high school friends as my niece and tried to call me Aunt Mel)

-M-Lissa (Kent calls me this)

-112, pronounced One-Twelve (after the scar on my knee, which some of my Science Olympiad friends measured and found to be a 112-degree angle)

-Saturn Lady/Saturn (after I, as a 3rd-grader, helped a group of 4th-graders with a report on Saturn because I knew a shit load about Saturn; I’d done a report on Saturn, as in 3rd grade I did weekly reports instead of spelling)

-Antigone (yay junior year English)

Pennames I have used and/or considered:

-Libby Samson (from when I was quite little, about 11 or 12; I decided that would be my name if I ever went undercover as a spy, or the name I would tell strangers)

-Cara Maran (a penname I thought of in middle school for the purpose of using publishing first novels that might suck)

-Ravenwing (used for high school submissions to stuff that was supposed to be anonymous)

-Pobrecita (used for high school submissions to stuff that was supposed to be anonymous)

-Shedemei (my current penname, and a name I gave to an AVENite who may use some of the personal experience stories I wrote and gave her for her nonfiction novel about asexuality)

-Jagi Yap (Jagi is a South Asian name, Indian I think but I’m not sure; Yap is a Chinese surname. Jagi Yap would be a pretty reasonable name for somebody who was born in, say, Singapore. And if you pronounce it the Asian way, surname first, it sounds kind of like “yahp chagee,” the Korean word for “side-kick.”)

Screennames I have used:

-MCMWhizKid (my first AOL screenname…awww)

-TigersEye428 (most commonly used email address)

-IAmShego (my first Kim Possible forum name and my first penname…hey, I was 12!)

-Sondok (a troll-ish account I used to snark at people I hated on the Kim Possible forums)

-Tego (some Kim Possible boards)

-Gothic Tiger (my second penname)

-Sulfur (an penname I used for all the femmeslash I wrote during my KP days)

-darkmuzik (

-blueribbonblackbelt (NeoPets…I think)

-Shedemei (current penname)

-biologistblackbelt (YouTube)

-you*hear*but*do*you*listen (AVEN screenname)

-sophronia_chaos (LJ screenname…duh!)

Fictional characters who I was in my head as a child/young adult:

-Moppet (I made my preschool teacher address me as Moppet)

-Kelsey the Good Hyena (I always said if she were evil, her name would be Killsey-wow I was a weird kid!)

-Megara (from Hercules)

-Galactic Commander/GC (interestingly, this one also coincided with a Cats obsession, but in my head I was still GC and my cat Machaela, who I called Kitten Cadet, was involved with the cats from Cats…I was a fucked-up kid…)

-Mira Nova (sort of; I imagined we were best friends)

-Shego (don’t judge me!)

Nicknames from AP Spanish:


-Trenzas (“Braids”)

-Cinturón Negro (“Black Belt”)

-Nombre Largo (“Long Name”)

-Czech (when I wore my sweatshirt from Prague)

-Camisa Amarilla (“Yellow Shirt”-but it was light green, dammit)

Other names:

-Watch-light Sister (my official name in “Sisily,” the country my sister and I created in the backyard-we had a constitution and a national anthem)

-Tiger’s Eye (my common name in “Sisily”)

-Raushanara of the Decca (the name of my “character” when I dressed up as a gypsy one Halloween)

-Malicia (name of a self-insert character in one novel I planned in middle school)

-Melisande (name of a self-insert character in a PotO humor fic that I wrote with a friend, never finished, and never really planned to put on

-Rosalind (DnD character name)

-Adella (DnD character name; Rosalind’s alias)

-Leoran (DnD character name; Rosalind’s birth name, which she changed after running away from home)

-Ismene (name of my next DnD character)

I LIKE NAMES FAR TOO MUCH!!! >.< It’s a wonder I don’t have identity issues…oh, wait…

imagination, nicknames, screennames, names, dungeons and dragons, dnd, pennames

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