Sep 04, 2015 02:34
Writing, piping, not really doing digital photography but seriously thinking about it.
Actually, seriously thinking about a lot of things that I don't actually do, but just think about.
Such is life.
Okay, So the above was apparently saved to draft, and not actually posted.
Meh. This whole thing where I wake up at 2am, suddenly having to put proverbial pen to paper, and then completely blank on what I was going say when I actually get to a computer- or actual pen and paper even. Yeah, that's got to go. Seriously. It's bugging me.
So, hello Livejournal. I don't really recognize you anymore. You seem to be less useful than you once were. I suppose that's me being a giant curmudgeon, but I'm okay with it.
I've been screwing around with GIMP when I haven't been screwing around trying to produce something worth reading, and by reading I really mean selling.
It's now the third year in a row that I've missed Dragon Con. I'm trying to be okay with my going through the litany of reasons why a sane being should avoid that mess.
okay... bed.