All about me

Jun 15, 2008 19:23

Okay so some people have been bugging me to start writing in my journal, so I will try to do it on a um...semi-regular basis. So to start some random facts about me.

Chapter 1

1. Nickname(s):
Soph, munchkin, shortcake, shortstuff or some other witty reference to my height

2. Current location:
Lancaster, England

3. Eye colour:

4. Hair colour
Blonde (dyed otherwise it's just a weird browny colour)

Chapter 2:

1. Do you live with your parents?
Live at uni during the term and at home with my Mum and brother during the summer.

2. Do you get along with your parent(s):
From time to time

3. Are your parents married/separated/divorced

4. Do you have any Siblings?:
An irritant of a younger brother

Chapter 3: Favorites
1. Ice Cream:
Ben and Jerry's chocolate fudge brownie

2. Season:

3. Shampoo/conditioner:
L'oreal elvive (the pink one)

Chapter 4: Do You..
1. Dance in the shower?
No, I sing if there's noone around and I do clean my teeth in the shower, every extra minute you get in bed counts.

2. Do you write on your hand?
Occasionally when i need to remember something

3. Call people back:
Yes, unless I forget

4. Believe in love:
I don't know depends what mood I'm in

5. Any bad habits?
A most annoying habit of procrastinating

6. Any mental health issues:
Who doesn't?

Chapter 5: Have You..
1. Broken a bone:
Yep, a couple of ribs and a finger

2. Sprained stuff:
Yeah but never badly

3. Had physical therapy:

4. Had stitches:
Once or twice...

5. Taken painkillers:
Rarely, but I enjoy them when I do

6. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling:
Both but snorkeling is stupid cos no matter how careful you are, you always end up swallowing water and choking.

7. Been stung by a bee:
Once, I was playing in a river and it flew up my shorts and stung my ass.

8. Thrown up at the dentist:
Nope, although I bit my orthodontist once. It was a reflex action I swear

9. Sworn in front of your parents?
I have, my Dad doesn't care and my Mum hates it unless it's referring to my Dad

10. Had detention:
Yep and it was never my fault (teachers can be dumb asses)

11. Been called a hoe:
Sure but I don't think they were being serious

Chapter 6: Who/What was the last
1. Movie(s):
Candy - starring Heath Ledger and Abbie Cornish. An amazing film but a little depressing.

2. Person to text you:
A number I don't recognise with the message 'Hya you still up for some bakin? xxx' I have no idea who it's from and it's really bugging me.

3. Person to call you:
My flat mate asking if I knew who was stealing chairs out of our kitchen

4. Person you hugged:
My friend Johnny when we finished canoe practice.

5. Person you tackled:
Well I don't go around tackling people randomly. I was playing canoe polo earlier which involves tackling and pushing over so I guess that counts?

6. Person you talked to on IM?
The lovely Rosie.

7. Thing you touched:
The keyboard and the TV remote

8. Thing you ate?
A mars bar

9. Thing you drank:

10. Thing you said:
'Thanks, bye' I think, to the person serving when I went to the shop for milk, but i may have spoken since then.

Chapter 7: Tell me ....

1. Something about you that many don't know.
When stressed I turn into a total control freak and in my head I can be a total bitch. I also have quite an intense dislike of commitment.

2. What is your biggest fear?
Dogs...well, animals in general really

3. Do you normally go the safe route or take the short cut?
Short cut

4. One thing you want that you can't buy with money.

5. What lie you tell most regularly?
It had nothing to do with me.

6. Something you've done once that you can't wait to do again.
Driven down an Autobahn in Germany.

7. What you want to do right now?
Something crazy - skydiving or driving really fast

8. When was the last time you cried?
Yesterday? Day before? I don't really remember

9. Something embarrassing you did while being drunk.
So many things, get me drunk and I might tell you the really embarrassing ones. I fell in a bush one time and got stuck in it and then in the same night got kicked out of a pub because i really wanted this decoration they had up on a wall and so convinced my friend to pull it down and rob it for me. She decided to swing it around, hitting people, until the bouncer came over and after getting hit by it several times asked us to leave.

10. What are you watching/listening to right now?
Watching - Two pints of lager and a packet of crisps


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