Jun 18, 2008 17:19
Sorry I haven't been keeping anyone updated on my life but I have NO TIME! I have class from 8-3 Monday through Thursday. Work from 3-6:30 and then I go to the library until it closes at 10. So I'm on campus every day from 8am to 10pm except Fridays when it's 12-6:30 for work.
I have the weekends to myself which is great but I have no internets at my aunt's house so I haven't been able to really get on the computer for long intervals lately.
Anyway, San Francisco was AMAZING! and I'm still extremely happy with Michael. He is the best boyfriend in the whole world. Sometimes we fight but it's always about stupid shit. Not even worth livejournaling about. LOL.
I've never been more in love. We are trying to move in together but not sure if it will work out. Our biggest problem is not being able to see each other every day. :-)
I can't wait for this summer thing to be OVER so I can go home to NY for a bit. This is probably the most work I've ever done in college but hopefully it's worth it.
Come to Cape Cod everyone...PLEASE. Even if just for a couple days. <3
I have'nt eaten yet today...damn. I skipped out on work cause I had a 5pm deadline for my cruise report. This is all just a jumble of thoughts, forgive me.
I'm going home for dinner. PEACE.