Jun 02, 2009 13:28
Since I moved to England
I make a lot of long distance phone calls.
That would be a maaajjoorrr killer on my cell bill.
But for local calls
I'm mainly on my cell.
: D
I'm on O2 for my boyfriend.
I have a general disdain for phones.
Partly because I have a man voice
and secondly
I don' t think anything can compare to talking to a person face to face.
I really don't mind chatting on the web
but I hate instant messaging.
it gets a bit annoying.
I like loonnggg ass emails that takes on a full account of my friends day
the important and not so important stuff
I also like sending looonngggass emails in return.
I'm a bit of a chatterbox.
also I think it's a bit more personal I guess.
I am in suuucchhh a talkative mood.
Probably because in the 4 hours I have been concious
I am on my second cup of coffee.
: D
yeah if you haven't figured this out yet
I am a bit of a crazy person.
writer's block