I'd planned to sleep until like noon since I have class until 10pm tonight but that didn't work out haha. I just couldn't fall back asleep. Oh well, this gives me LOTS of time to Edit my finished novel and continue writing my in process one =]
I really want to do a new vid for my youtube too but IDK what to do it about. I wish there was a way to have people, like my viewers, give me ideas. lol.
I got bows for my hair! yay! lol I've wanted some for SO long, but at Hot Topic and stuff they are kinda pricey lol. But I found four really nice ones for just $3 woot. lol.
7 DAYS!!!!!!!!!! <---- can't wait!
I dyed my hair, it's almost black but not actually black. I love it though =]
In class tonight I get to read my poem, Trip
www.fictionpress.com/~sophiijones which I'm really proud of! It's almost the premise for my the new novel I'm writing.
So, while doing research for this novel I had to find out information about illegal drugs, well i asked about them on my facebook status and WOW...do a lot of my friends know an awful LOT about drugs lmao. I was a little shocked lol but it was funny too.
I really need a new laptop for Christmas, one with Windows 7 not this Vista bullshit. Somedays my laptop barely works at all and I have so much imporant stuff stored on this thing. I mean, I have back ups but it'd be nice if I had a reliable comp.
Hmmm ok I don't have anything else to say haha.
Peace <3