Title: The Story Ends Like This
Fandom: BtVS
Pairing: Willow/Tara, Tara-centric
Rating: PG
Summary: A look back on Tara's life, sort of. Spoilers up to season six.
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Author’s notes: Written in 2005 for a Christmas Calendar.
It doesn’t matter where you start. The story ends like this: the pretty girl dies.
Tara smiles brightly. She’s standing in front of the window, and she’s happy, so happy. In this moment not even a bunch of crazy geeks can change that.
When they kiss, Tara can forget everything that happened. Just knowing she can still forget is enough for her to forgive, and she doesn’t object when Willow pushes her jacket off her shoulders.
Tara doesn’t want to leave, of course she doesn’t want to leave, and she can hear Willow in the bathroom. She wants to go to her now, she wants to believe it’ll be all right, but the part of her who can pretend nothing has happened got lost among shattered green glass.
Shattered glass. She frowns, there’s something…
She’s always been shy, she’s always been brave. At some point Tara has learned it’s not a contradiction, and after she’s faced down her father and defeated a goddess, she can stand up to her girlfriend.
She could have died then, huddled with Anya behind a rock, standing in front of Buffy’s grave, in pursuit of a vampire. Tara takes Willow’s hand, they’re both still there.
Willow is everything when the world turned against her, and she clings to her even when she’s pushing her away. It scares her, what she sees; Willow’s eyes are green and dark with love.
There’s no point in time Tara doesn’t love her, and she tells her by looking for a blue pullover even though the purple one is fine; she presses a kiss to her forehead and she holds her at night, her hand between Willow’s thighs as Willow gasps and gives up trying not to cry.
Tara’s never told anyone about the big pineapple. Willow listens, so she tells her about the moose, too.
The way Willow looks at her makes her shiver, but she isn’t cold. Tara’s arms tighten around Willow as their feet leave the ground and she can feel the stars.
Willow is strong, but Tara doesn’t feel weak in her presence. Willow’s power gives her strength in return and she learns defiance and defence, she learns to smile in a new way, she learns to look up.
Willow comes for her in the dark, carrying a candle and Tara knows she wouldn’t change a thing, she’d do everything the same. Desire turns Willow’s eyes almost-black and it’s all Tara sees.
Their eyes meet, and Tara smiles. Willow’s shirt is red, covered in red, pink. She frowns, a little shy, and that’s when she falls.