buffy season 3

Feb 12, 2004 17:15

today i saw the final episode of buffy season three. i really loved watching the third season. i was looking forward to it intensely because the ending of season two was genuinely traumatic for me. i was upset that angel was in hell, and even more upset that buffy’s meddlesome mum had upset her so much that she had to run away. when season three began, buffy was depressed, living all on her own and working day shifts in a cafe. it was really upsetting! making matters worse, buffy’s mum was acting really worried about her. if you say to your own daughter: “if you leave this house then you are never welcome here again” what else do you expect? i could never live with buffy’s mum. she’s totally annoying. in this series, buffy’s mum has sex with giles (buffy finds out when she realises she can read people’s minds). oh but you would.

when buffy did come back to sunnydale, everyone was mad with her even though she’d saved the world at the end of season two and sent her boyfriend to hell. the meanest person to buffy was willow, mainly because they had been best friends for a long time. she’d show off about her relationship with oz all the time, which i found quite obnoxious. actually, their relationship is kind of weird. all he does is smile at her fondly and stroke her hair. if i had such a boring boyfriend, he would totally get on my nerves. but whatever. similarly, when angel came back from hell, everyone was pissed with him because he had killed jenny and tortured giles. he tried to explain that he had been turned bad by sexing the buff, but no one was having any of it. especially xander. mmmm, xander.

yes my crush on xander intensified to new heights during season three. when he had an affair with willow i was very jealous of her. but then, i just loved the way they’d touch shoes in science class and how he couldn’t resist nibbling her ears. very sexy! and when cordelia found out, he tried to woo her back. so sweet! when he had sex with faith i was extremely jealous and angry. mainly because i knew that she didn’t care about him the way that willow did. at first i found it quite strange that willow would cry over xander dicking someone, but then i realised that she was feeling jealous and sad too. my favourite episode was the one that was all about xander, and set from his point of view. the worse thing was when faith tried to strangle xander under the premise of kinky sex. it made me furious! i hated faith from that moment onwards and have hated her since.

at first i thought faith was funny and exciting, especially since she showed up while buffy was being flaky and boring. i liked how she talked about getting hungry and horny after slaying a vamp and made xander’s eyes goggle. then she started doing really mean stuff. obviously, trying to strangle xander made me incensed, but there were other things, too. trying to turn angel bad and then kissing him in front of buffy! i guess i’m sort of glad that she didn’t die in the final episode because she really did stir things up in sunnydale. speaking of stirring things up, how come spike was in about one episode? i missed him very much, and drucilla too. my favourite vampire of the series was the timid one who was with faith when she went all bad-ass. she kills someone and the vampire is timid, saying, “b-b-but - you killed him!” and she’s all, “duh!”

i liked it when willow and xander were vampires in an alternative reality. evil xander is very sexy! everyone has a thing for evil willow but i wasn’t really that into it. but i do like to say: “bored now!” like she does. i’m still not really into willow all that much (even though i think that i will really love her at some point soon!) i do like the fact that she wears wooly tights with her converse all year round in sunny california. shit like that is so cool. cordelia was awfully foolish the whole way through the series. xander and willow only kissed and she acted like it was an extremely big deal. she wasn’t a nice girlfriend to xander anyway. he was lovely to her. when he bought her that beautiful, sparkling prom dress i was practically in tears. he’s so sweet! she just flirted wesley and barely said thanks. no wonder anya (cool feminist demon) fell for xander’s charms! she told xander she’d noticed him checking out her boobs and he was all like, “yeah, well, all that means is that my eyes are open.” hot!

it was very emotional for me when angel said he was going to leave buffy. i knew he had to (even though his thoughts were prompted by buffy’s mum - i hate buffy’s mum!) but it was still very sad. between you and me, i cried the whole time angel and buffy were talking about breaking up. throughout series two i wasn’t really overwhelmed with angel and buffy’s relationship. something changed during this season. i was very emotional when angel was depressed and wanted to kill himself. waiting for the sun to come up, it began to snow for the first time in sunnydale’s history. it made me realise how powerful their love was. also, there was a shot of xander outside in a sleeping bag while the snow fell onto him. that made me cry too! i liked buffy a lot more this season. she seemed a lot more supportive towards all the other characters a lot better than before. i found myself feeling quite empathetic towards buffy over the course of this season. this means that my dislike of sarah michelle gellar (due to her injudicious and laughable opinions regarding feminism) is waning.

i liked the finale of this episode very much. mainly because xander was commanding all the students on what to do. the demon was totally brainless to chase after faith’s knife, wielded by buffy, through the school. the mayor had waiting 100 years for this moment - surely he would have realised it was a trick? i enjoyed watching buffy and giles with the dynamite in true looney tunes style. i also liked that the students realised that buffy had been saving their ass all year, from an angry lunch lady as well as the apocalypse. i welled up when they gave her an award for being their protector. jonathan rules!
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