-The Crusades
-The Inquisition
-the 9/11 tragedy
-ethnic cleansing
-suppression of women
-suppression of homosexuals
-honor killings
-suicide bombings
-arranged marriages to minors
-human sacrifices
-witch burnings
-systematic sex with children
-prevention of stem cell research
-faith healing
-useless circumcisions
-prevention of minority rights
-promotion of slavery
-the Jim Jones tragedy
-dissolution of family bonds
-genital mutilation
-general misogyny
-religious terrorism
-the Catholic sex scandal cover-ups
-suppression of art and literature
-the Ku Klux Klan
-Islamic gang rapes of woman as punishment
-punishment and suppression of freethinkers
-belief in a better afterlife
-creation of bigotry
-Pope Benedict’s condemnation of condom use for the spread of AIDS in Africa
-missionaries killing heathens
-children dying because their parents prayed to their god instead of getting legitimate medical help
-serial killers who claim to be doing the work of Jesus/God/Satan/Allah
-exorcisms that result in death of the victim
-the David Koresh/Waco Texas tragedy
-the Heaven’s Gate tragedy
-discouragement of critical or rational thought
-the indoctrination of children into a religion without giving them a chance to learn about all other religions
-self-flagellation religious rituals (beating oneself until bloody)
-abuse of power/authority by religious leaders
-cults (even those that stockpile weapons)
-the fact that Hitler confessed in Mein Kampf to be doing the work of God
-the Boxer Rebellion in China
-constant bloodshed in the Middle-East
-constant battles over control of Jerusalem
-bloodshed in Ireland between the Catholics and the Protestants
-Jehovah’s Witnesses refuse blood transfusions for religious reasons and so that can be the cause or their death unnecessarily if they ever medically need one.
-the suppression of the use of Gardasil in young women to prevent cervical cancer
-the Mumbai, India Taj Mahal Palace Hotel in 2008 perpetrated by a Pakistani religious group (Lashkar-e-Taiba) that calls themselves “the Army of God”
-the delay of the passage of the Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Act by right wing groups (especially James Dobson’s group) which finally passed 10 years after his death
-teaching children inaccurate, misleading and outright false concepts in a place called the Creation Museum in Kentucky.
-constant car bombings in downtown Kabul, Iraq (as well as many other cities) by fundamentalist religious zealots.
-the denial of adoption by loving and qualified parents just because the parents happen to be the same sex ( e.g. Florida’s outright ban on adoption by same sex couples).
-the Thirty Years War between Protestants and Catholics in 1618 that turned central Europe into a wasteland.
-the Aztecs killed 20,000 people annually to appease the gods.
-the Inca’s sacrificed 200 children in a single ceremony.
-in Tibet priests perform ritual killings.
-the Dravidians in India sacrificed a male child to Kali every Friday evening.
-Islamic jihads that have been going on for over 12 centuries have killed millions.
-in the early 1900′s Muslim Turks waged genocide against Christian Armenians and Greeks.
-Muslim countries today still practice barbaric punishments from their holy books such as amputations for thievery and stoning to death for adultery.
-Muslim and Hindus took an estimated million lives when Indian became independent from Britain in 1947.
-an Islamic radical tried to blow up a Northwest plane on Christmas day on a flight from Amsterdam to Detroit in 2009.
-the Mountain Meadows Massacre of 1852 by the Mormons.
-the Catholic Archdiocese of Washington D.C. is refusing to continue its’ social services (including feeding the homeless) in protest of the passage of the same-sex marriage bill in the district.
-Pat Robertson said of the January 2010 Haiti earthquake that killed hundreds of thousands of people, that the people of Haiti deserved what they got because “they had made a pact with the devil.”
-In March of 2010 nine people in Michigan, calling themselves the Christian Militia, arrested for threatening to kill a police officer and bomb his funeral in hopes of killing many more in order to, as they said, battle the anti-christ.
- In July of 2010 the Vatican declared that ordaining a woman as a priest is as grave an offense as pedophilia. So in essence a man raping a 6 year old little girl is the same as a woman leading a congregation in prayer.
-a preacher in Florida is advocating the burning of the Koran on the anniversary of 09/11 in 2010 and putting many soldiers in Afghanistan in harm’s way since many Afghani Muslims are now taking their hatred of protest out on them, according to the U.S. military leaders.
-a bigoted member of an Arkansas school board suggested on Facebook that it was ok with him that a “faggot” killed himself (referring to Tyler Clementi’s jump off the George Washington bridge) because after all this is not good “Christian” behavior.
Added by readers since original post on 11/29/10
- Cultural genocide of American Indians by Church run boarding schools.
- Manifest destiny take over of North America from American Indians
- Legal hunting of American Indian in California.
- Racial segregation in Australia based on “God given duties”
- Global Warming deniers using the “God will protect us” defense to ignore science and the threat to our planet
The Harms of Religion