Nov 08, 2009 02:19
So it's official. We're moving to Hawaii. Dane got a job with one of the local restaurant chains starting Feb 1. The countdown to move has begun. Still haven't told my parents. I plan on telling them when I land a full time job there. Granted Dane will be making enough that I don't really need to, but still. What better way to prove that there's more opportunity there than for both of us to find jobs?
Not much is going on other than that. Holiday weekend blows. Cut my hair again. Sits just above my shoulders now and with the right product, curls just right. Kind of early Sara Sidle mixed with early Lindsay Monroe. Wow, that was a bit vain, but it looks good so give me my moment of vanity.
Best way to unwind: nachos with chicken nuggets, strawberry ice cream, and Entourage.
And Gary Sinise photos. I love that man.