hopefully this will keep me awake

Apr 13, 2009 07:30

::The Basics::
Name: Sophie
Date of Birth: 7-1-84
Birthplace: Santa Monica
Current Location: kitchen table
Eye Color: blue
Hair Color: blonde?  haven't classified it in a while
Height: 5'3ish
Heritage: German, English, and some more European
Piercings: ears
Tattoos: right thumb and left ankle


Band/Singer: SafetySuit since their the only full cd I've recently downloaded
Song: "run" by Amy McDonald
Movie: Finding Forrester (haven't seen it in a long time though)
Disney Movie: Sleeping Beauty and Beauty and the Beast
TV show: CSI:NY, Criminal Minds, CSI, House, Bones, Psych... (don't worry, I'm not going to list every show I happen to DVR)
Color: blue
Food: sushi
Pizza topping: either cheese or pineapple and canadian bacon
Ice-Cream Flavor: pralines and cream from Baskin Robins
Drink (alcoholic): midori sours, but lately I've been a HUGE wine-o
Soda: ick
Store: Aeropostale
Clothing Brand: Aeropostale
Shoe Brand: no preference really, I buy what I can afford which is nothing at this point
Season: in Vegas? none.
Month: October
Holiday/Festival: halloween or Easter, both have kick ass candy
Flower: gerbera daisies
Make-Up Item: eye liner
Board game: chess

::This or That::
Sunny or rainy: sunny
Chocolate or vanilla:  Vanilla
Fruit or veggie: fruit
Night or day: night
Sour or sweet: sour
Love or money: Love
Phone or in person: In Person
Looks or personality: Personality.
Coffee or tea: tea
Hot or cold: Cold

Goal for this year: find a full time job and get the hell outta Vegas
Most missed memory: it'll probably be the comfort of school in a month
Best physical feature: eyes
First thought waking up: "turn the lights back off Dane"
Hypothetical personality disorder: OCD (I second that..)
Preferred type of plastic surgery: none
Sesame street alter ego: Super Grover
Fairytale alter ego: probably Sleeping Beauty with the amount I like to sleep
Most stupid remark: can't think of one right now, but I've probably posted it before
Worst crime: they call it "downloading" but I call it "file sharing"
Greatest ambition: to be a CSI
Greatest fear: failure
Darkest secret: don't have one worth the title
Favorite subject: criminal justice or anthropology
Strangest received gift: I had a roommate give me underwear for a birthday
Worst habit: overly self-critical

::Do You::
Smoke: no
Drink: oh yeah
Curse: me?  curse?  I don't know what the fuck you're talking about...
Shower daily: yes
Like thunderstorms: except when I'm trying to sleep
Dance in the rain: I used to, but it's no fun if Dane won't do it
Sing: oh yeah
Play an instrument: better believe it
Get along with your parents: yeah as long as we don't talk politics or religion (although this wedding has brought some annoyances with my mother)
Wish on stars: used to; stopped after Dane proposed, but maybe I should go back to it so I can find a damn job
Believe in fate: yeah
Believe in love at first sight: eh

::Can You::
Drive: yeah, but don't ask Dane that
Sew: buttons
Cook: Dane says I look like a 5 year old when I try
Speak another language: poquito
Dance: yes
Sing: sure
Touch your nose with your tongue: only if I press my nose down to meet it
Whistle: yes 
Curl your tongue: I've never fully understood this

::Have You Ever::
Been Drunk: oh yes and it was FANTASTIC
Been Stoned/High: HELL NO!
Eaten Sushi: I can eat my weight in sushi
Skipped school: it's been my bad habit of the semester and I'm really thinking of not going
Made prank calls: in 3rd grade
Sent someone a love letter: no actually
Cried yourself to sleep: find me a girl that hasn't

::Other Questions::
What annoys you most in a person? lying and arrogance
Are you right or left handed? right
What is your bedtime? sometime between midnight and 2:30 when he has to work at 7
Name three things you can't live without: cell phone, mp3 player, laptop
What is the color of your room? white
Do you have any siblings? younger sister
Do you have any pets? Dane
Would you kill someone you hate for a million dollars? no
What is you middle name?  I've said it before and you can go digging for it of you really want
What are your nicknames? Sophie
Are you for or against gay marriage? 100% for it
Do you have a crush on anyone? I think we're a bit beyond that
Are you afraid of the dark? after scary movies or if Dane's being a dick trying to scare me
How do you want to die? in my sleep
What is the largest amount of popsicles that you have eaten on one day? 1, maybe 2 as a kid
Would you take a bullet for the one you love? yes
What is the last law you’ve broken? speeding

bored, meme, survey

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