Jan 09, 2009 07:49
So Dane and I had a conversation about, of all things, washers and dryers over dinner last night. I'm insistent on our next place having a full sized set instead of the stackable, small-assed, piece of shit our place came with. Up until last night he was on the same page as me, but now he's saying 'we'll see what we can afford'. Fuck that. I want shit that works and works well. I want to be able to throw all of the jeans we've worn for the week into the washer and not find oxyclean crusted onto the top pair (which was mine this week). Gah! I feel so fucking house-wife right now, but I'm tired of laundry taking me, on average, 3 days to do. Fucking sick of it.
But I did go shopping this week. Got jeans that actually fit and aren't falling off because their too big, an awesome green sweatshirt that was $30 off, 5 new pairs of VS underwear (now I just need my period to be over so I can actually wear them), and a new shirt I'll more than likely use for our engagement photos. I'm going to go shopping again either Monday or Tuesday since I don't have to work. I got myself an Aeropostale gift card so that I wouldn't overspend and actually stick to budget. I'll probably get another pair of jeans and a couple more tops. We'll see. But I also need shoes. I have one pair of sneakers and they're a khaki color so I want something darker, but no suede since it doesn't hold up in any form of water (which we do get here in the form of sprinklers at least).
I can't tell if I have a cold or allergies right now. I just know that there's conjestion and sneezing. I'm at least back to taking my vitamins. I'm really not good at remembering to take those so it'll be a blast when I get pregnant and have to take the prenatals. Dane will be all over me in making sure I take those.
Ok, time for breakfast.