16 thoughts of randomness

Dec 11, 2008 23:44

1. I love nutcrackers.  Dane has bought me one the past 2 Christmases and I'm hoping he'll remember to get me one this year too.  Oh, and they're both drummers like him.  Cute, I know.

2. I'm tired of planning the wedding.  I'm ready to just be married and get it over with.  This opinion will probably change once it's closer, but if we didn't have deposits down, I'd drag him to the chapel down the street.  The idea of being a focal point for almost 100 people scares the shit out of me.

3. I want a dog.  Bad.  I've grown up with them so it's kinda weird not to have one, but we're waiting until we move somewhere more permanently.

4. I can't stand one of my managers and do everything I can to avoid her.  She gives me no direction which drives me mental because its impossible for me to function aimlessly.

5. There are days I would rather send lost in my stories than talk to anyone.  Sometimes its better just to pretend I guess.

6. I miss swimming.  I wish I had worked harder at it.  Probably could have done pretty well.

7. I wish I chose a better school to transfer too.  Education in NV sucks ass and they keep cutting funds making it worse.  I wish I could have worked harder or taken advantage of a guarantee transfer to UCLA.  But then again, I never would have met Dane and it makes me regret those thoughts.

8.  Bridge to Teribithia was the first book to make me cry.  Nor has it been the last...

9. As scared as I am of failing, I'm terrified of something happening to Dane.  I have nightmares about it occasionally and wake up crying.

10. It's taken me a long time, but I've come to love and appreciate my family for who they are and despite their drug addiction faults.

11. I miss the beach.  I would drive through the mountains to the beach almost weekly when I lived at home and would either just drive along PCH or pull over and stare out at the ocean.  Being landlocked is starting to kill me.  I need to be closer to the water.

12. I actually don't really like Thanksgiving even though I have family on my mom's side that came over on the Mayflower and get pissed when people try to make me feel guilty for it.

13. I hate doing laundry and wish I could hire someone to do it for me that's as anal retentive about wrinkles as I am.  I at least wish we had a full sized washer and dryer.

14. I have a weakness for purses, but haven't bought any lately since Dane doesn't understand why I would spend so much money on a bag when I own a bunch already.

15. I love colorful socks and underwear because it's like there's always a party going on.

16. This was actually much harder than I thought it would be.  My head hurts.  I'm going to bed.


ocean, laundry, bored, meme, random thoughts, dane, bedtime, beach

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