Blame It on the Vegetables

Aug 12, 2008 08:46

I'm suffering through a brain fog.

(First point of evidence: I can't remember my capitalization rules. Are all words in the title capitalized? Only the nouns and verbs? Are articles? What are articles??)

It's not only that can't remember what I read yesterday. But I can't even talk anymore. This lost skill is particularly bad for interacting with the DH. It's as if everything I say to him is - I can't even explain it in this post; my vocabulary, limited on the best of days, is practically non-existent now, which leads me to wonder how the hell I can type so many words and say almost nothing????? (Note: more punctuation does not equal articulate-ness. Damn it!) - (Look that entire aside was within a set of dashes - or are they hyphens? Oh, fuck.)

The point is this: almost every interaction I've had with my DH has turned into an argument of some kind. That's okay when I intend for our conversations to turn into arguments (I'm fond of bickering), but when I was simply trying to communicate some basic piece of information ??? (Oh, dear.)

I'm not placing all the blame on myself (as evidenced by the badly capitalized title of this post). I would normally blame my DH's streak of arrogance, as well as my hormones, but I don't really think he's been arrogant lately, and it's not PMS time for me.

However, we have recently engaged on a campaign to eat more healthfully. Heathily? No, healthfully. DH, in particular, is quite suddenly zealous about vegetables and calories and running and membership at the Y (which means getting up at 4:40 to get there by 5 a.m.). But I think the vegetable part in particular is scary because normally he avoids them like the plague.

Do you think vegetables, eaten regularly for 48 hours, can change your personality? Or, not change, but alter (altar?) slightly? My DH is normally, even with his high fructose corn syrup, a pretty intense guy, but these last few days ... whoa! And me, I'm usually, even with my refined sugars, a pretty cranky woman.

But the vegetables seem to be bringing out the very worst in us. So is all this water. Peeing so much is not natural.

So let me tell you what: despite the studies and the news articles and the Subway/Jared-esqe stories you've heard, eating well can be very bad for your (mental) health.
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