Jul 27, 2007 07:48
I no longer having polling capabilities since I'm a cheapo, but I want to do a poll, nonetheless.
I've been reading many of your responses to DH. I've loved hearing what you have to say, even if I don't always agree with you. ;-D And it got me thinking about what makes someone really love or really hate a story. So, if you have a moment:
DH Questionnaire. Answer as few or as many questions as you'd like.
1. Which of the following, if any, did you like more than DH? If you can, explain why.
a. 300
b. The Chronicles of Narnia (books or the first film)
c. His Dark Materials series
d. Gone with the Wind (book or film)
e. The X-Men series (films or comics)
2. If you disliked DH, did it ruin the entire series for you? If so, why? If not, why not?
3. If you liked DH, was it your favorite book in the series? If not, what was your favorite HP book?
4. If you disliked DH, what was your least favorite part/aspect of the novel? What was your favorite part/aspect? Why did your favorite part/aspect of the novel not outweigh your least favorite part/aspect?
5. If you liked DH, what was your favorite part/aspect of the novel? Your least favorite part/aspect? Why did your least favorite part/aspect not ruin the book as a whole for you?
6. When you were growing up, what was your favorite series to read?
7. Would you recommend the Harry Potter series to children you know? If so, at what age and why? If not, why not?