Friday Five 1. What kind of out-of-school lessons did you take as a kid?
Although I had a few short lived things -- ballet lessons at three, a week of gymnastics camp when I was 8, two guitar lessons in high school -- the only lesson I took for an extended period of time was violin. I took private lessons for about half a year in high school because our school suddenly decided to have an orchestra, and all of those kids had been playing since they were six; which, all things considering, I think I blended in really well. I stopped playing violin when we moved, but then in college I took it back up again. I really loved the instructor I had in college, and actually we follow each other on Facebook.
2. What valuable lesson did you learn this past week?
That it's often times better to tell people the truth, even if you think the lie is in their best interest.
3. Who in your life really needs to be taught a lesson?
This question sounds so cruel and accusing. I think that everyone has lessons to learn, myself especially. Although there are a few people I know that need to learn to not let drama take over their lives
4. What kinds of lessons would you love to have a private teacher for right now?
This is probably going to be out there and unexpected, but I have always wanted to learn to play the harp. It's probably something I could teach myself, but such hypothetical situation would actually involve me -owning- a harp, which I have neither the money nor the room for.
More practically, I've been going back and forth for the longest time on whether or not I should take piano lessons. Part of me uses the fact that I've never had formal lessons as an excuse, a sort of defense of "If I'm this good having no lessons at all, think how great I could be if I actually did!" although that same part of me is afraid of taking lessons only to find out that I'm really not any good at piano, that I'm just mediocre. But at the same time I always think, what if.. what if I'd taken lessons since the age of five and were now a piano virtuoso? What if piano is my calling? Who knows.
5. What steps have you taken to lessen the impact of these rough economic times?
It's terrible, really, but I'd actually say that I'm less frugal now than I ever was (excluding the first year of dating my boyfriend when we were in the "splurging honeymoon" stage and I managed to wrack up my credit card to a very frightening degree). To a point I live paycheck to paycheck, and even more so since a single paycheck won't even cover a month's rent, but at the same time I'm letting myself enjoy life a bit more. I'm letting myself go out for dinner and movies with friends, I'm letting myself spend a bit more for good food, I'm letting myself go on vacations. I wouldn't say I go overboard with it, and I still run into times where I'm not sure I'll be able to afford -any- food at all (especially when I hit unexpected expenses such as vet bills), but I think I'm trying to strike a healthy balance between splurging and being stingy. It helps that I know there are people who are willing (even if not always able) to help me out if I hit a rough patch.