Aug 29, 2006 20:24
The good news: Orthopedist said "Not Broken!" ER took a bad x-ray and ER doc didn't read it right. Yippie!
The bad news: I've jacked up all the tendons and muscles on the top and in the arch of my foot. Will be 6 to 8 weeks before I'm healed. Heavy sigh...
The doc wanted me to stay on crutches for a couple more weeks and then move on to one of those big black boot splint thingies. I told him I live alone in a two story house, he said we could skip right to the boot.'s not all bad, I can get up and down the stairs and it only hurts a little. I can still go to ACL, but the MS150 is out of the question...
My foot looks really creepy. Totally normal ankle...but the foot is all swolen. Looks like a sausage with little toes sticking out the end.