Yesterday was a busy day. First I successfully balanced the January accounts without any lost numbers, woohoo! Then we got on a train to London to see "A Dog's Breakfast," stopping for an early dinner across the road in a handily placed O'Neill's *snort* It made me laugh anyway.
So, the movie. Very funny, especially.. ok, spoilers bad. Must not spoil, even though it's not on general release. I did giggle a lot - even Rob laughed, and he was playing the down-trodden dragged-here-by-wifey role to perfection (until I pointed out the he made me bring him for "protection"). There were also many many many obsessed fan types squeeing at anything and everything - just a little annoying by the end. All in all a good budget movie though, even with the bias :)
There was also a Q&A at the end, lots of fun. Mention was made of MGM selling ADB for download or on DVD, but until then it looks like they'll be chasing Atlantis conventions round the world. I asked about
the toothbrush *g* but didn't get a straight answer on taste, simply that it just happened, worked and resulted in much mouthwash after the cut *lol* I also got an autograph on the only thing to hand.. um..
the Waitangi Day* issue of TNT *face!palm*
After all that though, it was time to go home.. short, bad night's sleep.. back at work now.. *yawn* TGI Friday.
* Speaking of Waitangi Day, we took the opportunity to buy Rob a whole box of Buzz bars while in the big smoke and he actaully has the day itself - this coming Tuesday - off work for the first time in ages, thanks to Jess' book launch. Great timing, mate!