I love sunshine

Mar 15, 2009 21:30

This weekend we did many things, and it was great.

Yesterday, Rob used the planks from the old decking (which he dismantled a couple of weeks ago) and the remaining 2x2 from our old shed/garage (at the last house) to build border-like things to segregate "beds" from "lawn". Project Grow Stuff will commence as soon as we get some top soil to bulk up the beds, while Operation Lawn (seeding the bare dirt that lay beneath said ex-decking and assassinating vast weedage with chemicals*) is now in progress. K & I also went on a trip to Hengistbury Head with some friends, which she wasn't very impressed with (poss too cold/windy) but I enjoyed.

Today, I did a biggish shop with Katelyn followed by a trip to B&Q for gardening stuff. I also planted some primroses in our front "garden", finally adding some colour! K obliged us by having a shortish morning nap, ahead of a very pleasant family gathering at my aunt's house. Almost every relative attended, including K's second cousins, and while she was very shy to begin with she soon mountaineered the stairs and furniture, raided the playroom and ate lots of sausage rolls. She also found a doll-sized buggy and attempted to push it DOWN THE STAIRS, which nearly gave me a heart attack.

Washing was also line-dried with considerably greater success than usual :)

*yes, we're being careful to apply chemicals on days likely to be followed by no small children playing on lawn.

katelyn, garden, good day, sunshine, family

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