Sooo what's new.. A plane crashed down near Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam.. which is weird.. Fortunately most people survived, 9 people died (which is of course terrible, but it could've been so much worse).
And what's up with me? I want a boyfriend. The only problem is that I'm not in love with anyone. There's this one boy, he's a year younger, but I've only spoken to hime once for five minutes, then he added me on and posted some messages on my hyve.. and now I've heard from a few people that he's in love with me :/ How can you be in love with someone if you've only met once for 5 mins? (Not counting 'love at first sight' ;)).
Psychology is going good.. passed all my exams so far and I'm still enjoying it :) Also passed my Spanish exams in December (so now I have 'Spanish A2), and I'm currently doing an English course (Cambridge Proficiency level :)). Exams are in May/June, but it won't be an official exam since that would cost more than 100/200 euro.
It was Carnaval this weekend, but only went 2 of the 5 days. I'm not really into it.
Well seriously, not much interesting stuff happened to me.. I also have volleyball practice on monday now, with a differen (higher) team. It's fun, but also a bit nerve-wracking.
Oh and at the moment I'm a huuuuuge House and Bones fan. I love Fox. Both shows are so good, and I realllly want Cuddy/House and Brennan/Booth together! :p Brennan is seriously just so funny. I think she's a bit autistic.
And it really makes me wish I could be a doctor or forensic anthropologist or someone from the FBI. I know, I'm such a dreamer ;)
That's it for now! I have 2 exams in 2 weeks + an essay due that week (about Schizophrenia). Sooo this week instead of enjoying my holiday, I'm reading a lotttt.