There has been an incident in the fandom involving me, and I think the best thing to do is bring it to light in order to warn other people (most importantly females) about the situation that I believe could be a threat. For the last several months I have had dealings with a new furry named Harv, or
He at first approached me as an enthused commissioner, commenting on my work and my fursuiting performances. I was flattered, thanked him, and gladly took a commission from him. From there it began to climbs levels I was not comfortable almost right away. He began IMing me, talking to me as if we were good friends. Calling me by my real name, and revealing that he had snooped around my photobucket account and old, old LJ by talking about pictures and old posts I kept there. (both of which I never advertise, therefore I was very spooked that he had found them) He also begin talking to me about my old comic, another thing that I rarely talk about. His emails began to become more infatuated with my character, as evidenced below:
Regarding the Bohemians... shame on you : )... it *seems* like you just abandoned it... but heck, I think you should be proud of it and keep at least a simple archive of The Bohemians online. I found some remnants of at's "waybackmachine" and I wish I could read more!
What shall become of sophiecabra? I noticed that your the_bohemian_ account at LJ fell into disuse, and with your recent announcement that Sophie will not be attending AC, I'm wondering about sophiecabra's future too. The purple goat seems to have become your primary fursona... and I'm sure we'd all miss her if she went away... but I suppose you can't be a slave to your fans, you must do what you enjoy. I'm of a breed which desires stability and predictability... but I realize you're the carefree and fun-loving type... and you're definitely never boring. : ) Can't wait to see what your highly creative self comes up with next, but also wish that Sophie could live forever.
Now, granted. I do share a bit of the fault here. While his subjects and wording creeped me out, I continued to be nice to him, in hopes he was just over excited about the fandom. He wasn't even being horrible or anything, just a little too suffocating with his constant IMs, emails, and bullying about talking to him. This particular email above sprouted into him not taking a no for an answer about me bringing Sophie to AC.
Me: The bohemians was a project from about 4 years ago. It's old art, so if I ever reposted it, it would be re-done strips. But! Time is not on my side, and projects like that would take a good amount of time. As for Sophie, she isn't going anywhere. She just won't be attended AC due to space on carry-ons. With that new one checked bag only thing, fursuiters are going to be taking less and less suits.
Harv: Is it possible to keep a fursuit with you on the plane as a carry-on, or are they too bulky for the overhead bins? The airlines are only charging what I would consider a small fee for the second checked bag (like $10 on AirTran, $25 on U.S. Air), it doesn't seem like that would stand in someone's way if they owned multiple fursuits and really wanted to take them to a con. What I would lose sleep over would be the thought of the airline losing my checked bag!
Well, back to work for both of us, I suppose.
By now I was kind of put off by this guy. He was talking to me as if I was a silly little girl who didn't know anything about anything. The statement "it doesn't seem like that would stand in someone's way if they owned multiple fursuits and really wanted to take them to a con" made me fume. Who was he to tell me I was being a bad, bad fursuiter? But I was still cordial, though my emails got short and to the point.
I began to avoid him on AIM and on email. Here was a chat session I had with him: Hi Spain. Seems like the best way to reach you is to corner you in a chat session. I just wanted to forward on part of a note I received from Yellow Pup... I wrote to Sophie lj (privately), she didn't answer, but i hope she read it.
Ok, now i calmed down, but first time, when i noticed it, i jumped. That art is adorable, i love it.
Sophie: Aw, yay! Did he? Guh! I always forget to check my LJ mail. :P I know, you silly girl. : P
I give him some room. He takes a mile. Closer to AC, the conversations become pretty bad: For some inexplicable reason, I am once again giving serious thought to making AC my first con! I actually booked a room at the DoubleTree last night. (Oh no.) I was hoping very very much that you would be able to bring Sophie.
Sophie: Not even a little. Too much stress on a new ACL. That's cool. It's a fun con. Yes, I suppose I understand, you must be gentle on your new ACL, allow it to become strong without risking damage. Well, if I don't wimp out and cancel... this will probably be the only time I could ever catch you, seeing as how you can't run away at the moment. : ) It's great that you have a direct flight. Lucky to live near Orlando. That'll make the trip easier on you. I suppose you'll be flying with a friend?
Sophie: I'll be sad about the suiting. Just artists alley for me.
Sophie: Nothing wrong with making some bucks. You're right, and good luck.
Sophie: Thanks! :D If money were no object... I would fly in Wednesday night after work... but that particular flight would cost me $900. With the hotel and other various expenses, it's looking like a $2k weekend for me if I go. (And Sophie's not even coming!) I will have to continue to anguish over this a little longer, I suppose.
Sophie: Woooah.
Sophie: That's a lot!
Sophie: I'd say save your money a little, and maybe find some friends to room with at a later con. Really cuts down the prices. MFF and FC are always fun. I like them more than AC Yeah I understand. Wish I had some friends here who wanted to come along. And yeah, driving would be a lot cheaper, but it means about 8 hours on the road each way and then I have to figure out Pittsburgh when I get there to find the hotel (scary to me). Flying is much easier.
And I quote: "Well, if I don't wimp out and cancel... this will probably be the only time I could ever catch you, seeing as how you can't run away at the moment. : )"
That is where I started to freak out. But! This man is a commissioner, and I try my best. I really do. In the next AIM conversation, he speaks about his solid plans to make it to AC: The fact is, I have no agenda of my own. There is nothing in particular I am looking for at the con for myself, except to be in the company of furries I suppose. I'm thinking it would be good to join up with a group who are experienced, sort of follow them around for the most part.
Sophie: There is usually a "so this is your first con" panel. Worth a visit. Yeah, I checked out the AC web site, I noticed that. I figure I should go. And... I'd like to spend a little time hanging out with you at this year's AC. I would love to meet you and the fine group of furries who are your circle of friends. I get the feeling they won't let you be lonely at AC... and when you're not busy making money or hiding in your room :) I'd love to tag along with you and your group, and get to know y'all, if you don't mind.
Sophie: I will mostly be in the artists alley, so not too much free time for me! :( AC is an unpredictable beast. I might have a ton of over night work, or none. But if not. You are welcome to say hi! As for hanging not sure. Strict, hardcore social tests for me group! Haha, nah. I kid. I have a few planned dinners. But other than that I'll probably jsut be grabbing pizza or something.
Sophie: Have to get to know your before the group is like BFFs, o'course. As you'll see at the con.. people have their niches and we're pretty set in ours. But if you fit in, you fit in. :) Yes, you are the cool kids. I am not. Last night I browsed through some of the videos from AC '07 at YouTube, to see what I had gotten myself into. In one of the videos... a very nice pack of furries, including yourself I believe, have found their way outside the massive convention center and are alongside one of Pittsburgh's rivers... a boat comes along, they see y'all there, they dock, a little girl gets off the boat.... I don't know who shot the video, but Latin Vixen posted it. It was a spontaneous, unexpected, unplanned, and totally wonderful little moment. And the light from the setting sun just made the whole scene so very warm. One couldn't reproduce that if one tried. That is definitely one of my favorite videos! You were suited as Pippy, right?
Sophie: Yeah, I think so. You were looking really fit! Nice. :-D I'm very sorry you can't have fun as you like to because of your injury. I'm not particularly good on my legs myself due to my bad knees, seriously, and I think I have realistic expectations, I mean, I realize you will most likely be carefully walking, at best, right? Well, heck, I can do that!!! ; )
Sophie: Eep. Food time. ttyl ttyl
He is really starting to push the stalker button. He admitted to wanting to FOLLOW ME AROUND at the con, and blatantly informed me of his intentions to join me and my group of friends. I (far too politely) told him I don't think so. But that last comment... "looking fit". I broke it off. I stopped talking to him. I blocked him from AIM (which he then started to make multiple names to speak to me with) and finally got this email from him:
Spain, it really hurt to be blocked from chatting with you. Please tell me what is wrong. I did not mean to cause you concern. Just tell me what to do and I will. I want us to be OK. You and your art and Sophie have been a source of happiness for me since I met you, and I really don't want this to end with your having bad feelings toward me.
My response: I am sorry that hurt you, but I do not believe it was unwarranted. I have had stalker issues in the past and your behavior began to startle me. While I am appreciative that you are a fan of my character and my art, I feel that you are taking a relationship with me to a personal level which I did not intend to have. The comment about my physical appearance crossed the line, and I was spooked enough to block you. I am sorry it had to come to that, but as I've mentioned before, I have had issues in the past with people becoming obsessed with me and our conversations started to lean towards the trend that I remember.
That said, you are welcome to come up to the alley and say hi, but I do not feel comfortable with you having the intention to join my group of friends. I do not know you and you understand that it's a big leap of faith to allow a stranger to come to a con and hang out for any extended period of time.
I hope this has cleared things up and I hope you remain a fan of Sophie and my art. I really do appreciate it!
He replied being super emo and rather passive aggressive about he is going to be 'so alone' at AC. I ignored him, and hoped beyond hope that this was over. He did actually approach me at AC. I will admit he behaved himself, and did not follow me around or anything. Then after weeks of IMing me on multiple accoutns, and sending pissy emails I get this:
Spain, I just wanted to be friends with the amazing purple goat girl, but I fail. I did not realize until last night that you had decided to ignore me. I am so sorry you are still so creeped out by me.
If you did actually draw the comission for me, of course I'd still like to see it. Your creations are gentle and beautiful. I wish you the best of luck in the future.
I will no longer give you any unwanted attention,
goodbye Spain,
I couldn't help myself. I replied to him with a short email saying I was doing his commission. Because hell, I was not just going to steal his money. I would have returned it, but the thing was half done already. So I mailed it to him and called it a day.
To fast forward, and to make a long post just a wee bit shorter... I've been steadily ignoring him lately, keeping contact at a bare minimum. I get one last email from him before I make my decision to shake this creep-o.
This weekend (I'm still in Arizona) I've just been hangin' out with my folks. We went to the mall, I bought myself a nice new pair of shoes (I really hate shoe-shopping), we had coffee at Seattle's Best Coffee, then when we got home I went for a swim... then ate Key Lime pie for dinner OMG, it was yummy though. In about a week it'll be time for me to start thinking about flying back to NY again. I have dumb thoughts like wanting to extend my stay here in AZ just because *you* might be coming to town for a visit in October... but... *sigh*, I know, silly of me to think like that.
Um. No. No no no. I begin to make very obvious posts in my LJ about my significant other in hopes that derails him. I get this email:
Hey Spain,
I know you're busy and probably tired, so I figure that's why we haven't been able to chat. I wanted to ask you, did my last e-mail bother you in some way? You gave me such a "strictly business" reply. The fact is that I have not yet had the chance to see you fursuiting in real life and if you are going to be out and about somewhere near where I live, I definitely don't want to miss it!
But... if you don't want me around, then OMG please tell me, because it's definitely no fun for me if I'm just annoying you. I mean, seeing you would only be enjoyable for me if I knew you wanted me to see you, ummm, you follow? I'd get no joy from bothering you. Really.
And... business: if you want to do another drawing for me, I'm happy to commission another one from you. I'm not planning on attending MFF, but I'm pretty sure that you'd enjoy going. Not sure my help would be enough to get you there, but I definitely don't mind helping! When I see pics/videos posted by people after MFF, I want to be able to say, "hey, there's Spain!" XD
Well, anyway... I've got follow-up questions and details to offer regarding a commission, 'n' stuff, but I'm not comfortable that you really want to me to go on... you gotta be honest with me. (I'm an insecure chipmunk and when the strong goat girl doesn't talk to me I assume I am annoying her. And if I am right, I need her to tell me to sod off.)
I'm happy you've got a special sig-o! : )
He then makes a post about me in his LJ that reads the following:
"Ramblings about Sophie Cabra: I still think of her with affection. Yes, still. She is very lucky to be her. But she does not need me. The furdom does not need me. I've been so egotistical with my infatuation with her. But unable to give of myself, kindly and selflessly. I am sad I do not get to play with her, as her good friends do."
He edited his post later that day, but luckily I had seen it in the morning. All right, so this creep-oid told me I could tell him to sod off? So I did:
I read that LJ post that you have since edited. It was smart of you to do so because it was, in all honesty, the creepiest thing I believe I have ever read. Please do not mention me in your LJ posts, please do not instant message me, and please never email me again. I do not want a response to this email, and I will take more serious actions if you do any of the above
I know he is speaking poorly of me to other artists and fandom members. Saying that I must be nuts because I have no reason to hate him. Bullshit. Harv is a creepy, obsessive man who goes in full force to female artists and asks them to travel with them, spend cons with him, and uses bad come ons to all in all stalk women in the fandom. He will stop at nothing to contact you, ignoring even blatant signs of you blocking him. He will create new AIM accounts, send emails non stop, and make sure you know how HORRIBLE you are being to him if you don't respond. And if you do not respond to his every little mode of contact, he goes and cries to other fandom members and spreads lies about how bad you are. THIS IS CYBER STALKING. and I want all fandom members and females especially to be on alert. Tell the others about this post, link it, and spread the word. I am not trying to hate monger, but this man is potentially dangerous.
Thank you.