Jul 29, 2007 13:44
I am extremely frustrated and upset with this,it has been bothering me for more than 6 months now.
Six or more months ago, I accidently bit the center of my top lip,you know the puffy/bumpy part, and took off the skin with it. Now I'm sure a few people have done it before, I was really stressed back then but I had never done it specifically to that area before. Well, all this time has passed and I still have a raw dark spot on that area of my upper lip. It burns too.
Skin grows back,only to get really weird and fall off simply by eating or brushing my teeth.When exposed to water,when that skin is there,it gets all white and looks like puss,it's disgusting. So it looked normal this week and I thought it was actually growing back,no--- today it takes on a yellowish-old skin tinted shade and falls off.
All I was told to do so far was put on some almond oil, and it didn't change a thing. It possibly even made it worse those weeks I used it, moisturizing the new skin too much and making it even more thick and puss-like from taking in the oil.These days I put a bit of vaseline to ensure it wouldn't dry and fall off.
This is really really bothersome.I can't wear lipstick or anything,and I have to say my lips were one of my favorite features but now if I smile there is a disgusting red spot right there in the center.
If anybody has any idea why the hell it won't grow back after all these months and stay on,any other oils or natural solutions I could try,any past experiencee...please tell me. I'm desperate :(