Sep 30, 2006 15:43
i have to do homework, i'll probably leave it to after dinner on sunday always! i have to write a rough draft for a 1500 word essay about how aussie films are getting too gloomy, i hate essays, the worst bit is starting off. growl!
I joined a community last week depp_stillness basically, its a contest for making icons of Johnny Depp, lol, im not even really that into Johnny...*shifty eyes*...hes a very good actor and has good sharp facial features. any hoo...i entered an icon i made for the first time and I WON! so i should be getting my banner soon! yay!!
so thats good!
On tuesday i went to Elani's house, and that was good, we had a MASSIVE gossip session anout people from primary school we've seen and all that. Her 3 yr old brother, Kip, is so cute!! They (Elanis mum, Elani and Kip) dropped me off and came in to see the cats and Jethro was jumpin really high and Kip was copying him. Kip loved Flash but i think Flash was a bit scared of Kip coz Flash has never seen a small person before! lol, it was very funny.
Yesterday morning Emma called me and asked if i wanted to go with her and Seb to see a movie so i said yus! At about 7 got dropped off at Emmas dads house, its so cute!! its one of these little cosy old-styled ones in st.Kilda but inside was really nice. there was books EVERYWHERE it was like a library and also alot of records, it was so cool!!! so we met Seb at this really old, fancy, beautiful cinema (i forgot the name of the place) and we watched 2 movies, its like a 2 movie thing, you watch one movie them have an interval and then another movie, they were both very good and funny! i really enjoyed it. so after the movies we got picked up and back to Emma's dads. We had German chocolate pudding for lunch haha it was reallly good!!
I took the train home ALL BY MYSELF...second time now by myself...*feels proud*
and thats all there is, there isn't..anymore..WOOF WOOF!