Need to Vent...

Feb 25, 2013 01:56

I just feel the need to vent. So here's my sad little story, back on jan 25th I lost my job, got fired oh joy! Didn't want to get fired, wasn't looking to get fired but got fired all the same. I worked at call center, high turnover rate... yea whatever. So since then I've been tring very hard to be a brave... keep my shit together... don't stress too much. Well that worked for awhile there. But here's the thing I've been looking for another job for a month, had a few phone interviews (which I can say I hate more then anything, not at all a way an interview should be done) that said nothing came of them. Got a lot of bullshit also, people calling me about resume I put up on line about so called jobs only to find out there not. Then wrost then that, I had an interview last thursday, face to face not on the phone. Got myself all prettied up, was on time did everything I was support to and guess what... the guy that set up the interview with me isn't there. So they have somebody else come out to talk to me. She found my resume but has no idea that I was to be interview or for what job. She asked what I'm looking for, at this point anything, which I kinda told in that good kind of way. And she tells that the jobs they have right now would be a fit for me. And she wasn't fucking kidding either, I couldn't believe my ears, so she gives a bussiness card of the guy I had the interview with and sends me on my way.
So now my rent is due at the end of the week, I have no money to pay it, or any of my other bills. I have no place to go if I lose my apartment and no place to take my things to ever storge them. I didn't think at my age I would lost everthing I've spent years working for. And I really don't have any clue what I'm going to do... I just feel so lost.
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