Mar 23, 2005 22:30
well yes i have fallen into the abyss that is live journal. i'm not going to talk shite as youv'e all probably heard it before from newbies so.
today has been such a nice day in the world of phil and sophie, we woke up together decided what to do with the sunny day (i was apparently very forceful and domineering with phil, as my sister told me kindly), if i didnt tho we would have got no where, no one will listen to me when i tell them that he is very indecisive and has to be told we are doing something then he will tell me if he dont want to then i decide again until he agrees. if not he will just go welll... i'll do whatever you want to do, which is phil code for u choose and i will say yes or no. (it works for us tho) so anyway we played tennis on mains park, got excited about the holidays we have booked for whit week- wat a week, a week of witt! were going to tenerife, 5 star hotel etc, a sex fest most lightly but all the same a holiday to sun bathe. i feel guilty about cutting out of the holiday i helped to plan with my friends its just i have no money for both and i feel that someone more wild ie. sarah day or holden could make use of the holiday or ruth could go and make sense of what her n jo are up to! but in the process people have been insulted by what i have done and i can understand in a way but if peeps were in my sitch i am sure they would understand, kinda hard keeping up a relationship, and if you really want it to last then u gotta work at it, and by the hell we are, we spend most of our time together and i think my friend's noses are a bit out of joint as they feel i have dumped them, really i havent but i will say we have drifted recently! there has been a lot of drinking and a lot of experimenting with different things and i have missed the run up to these things from spending time with phil and by missing the run up i have not got the whole sitch my mates are in at the moment. i am worried about a few, the drinking is excessive at the moment and the stories i am hearing about people i thaught were relativly innocent being turned into binge drinking 15yr olds again it wierds me out a little. that it! i think my friends are making up for the time we spent being normal when everyone else was experimenting, drinking and snogging everyone of their friends no matter of gender, i think tho if they are doing it now it has to be of more importance, its stepped up a gear it cant just be high school experimentation, is it full on part time experimentation with drink, pot and well... (makes two rings with both finger and thumb of both hands, bangs together and them gives a signal of "not working"). i dunno as i say i'm outta it, i aint a clue, i missed the development of our gang banging group and now i dont have a clue. well there's always phil to keep me sane...ish! nevertheless (i like that as one word) there mates and ill just watch and wonder when it will all end in horrible tears or stomach pumping, or evan the removal of a foreign object from someones foof! i dunno, i really dont!