Aug 11, 2006 02:21
Here goes, my first LJ post. Yall proud of me? *smirk*
So, it's about 2am here, technically Friday morning. All my kids excpt one are all asleep, that one keeps popping up every now and again and turning on his verdammt flashlight. One kid (not one of mine) decided to go home about half and hour after midnight. We've been reading the restless ones stories. Meanwhile, my CIT seems to have disappeared with one of the female staff to some other part of the building; rumor has it, he's trying to make it with her. In a locked building full of children no less. Nice staff I have, don't I? Well, anywhosit, I figure my break is over by now so I better get back in there. Oh and we were supposed to watch Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone (most of the kids voted for it) but at the last minute, this one kid came up (about age 9, one fo the older ones) and said her parents don't let her watch Harry Potter. So we wound up watching Finding Nemo. They were all disappointed. This kid is probably gonna get it from them all tomorrow for ruining it.
Oh, well, maybe I can get a room in here and put it on for just my kids tomorrow morning, as we have two free periods in a row first thing. Night all.
Severus Bear says goodnight too. :D
LLAP \\//_