Title: Routine (the same, day after day)
sophie_03 Flavour/Prompts: Vanilla #27 Routine
Extras/Toppings: none
Rating: G/PG
Summary: he likes to follow the same routine day after day, it makes him feel safe, and it means he always knows where to find a good cup of coffee.
Notes: First one in a few days; quite short.
He hadn’t been in the city long but already he had set this routine up for himself. It was all still such a novelty having everything in walking distance. He liked that there was no need to drive anywhere, and he could be there just like that. Even if it was a little bit of a walk, he always told himself that the walk was good for him - and it didn’t cost anything. And, just by walking, he could get somewhere that he wanted to be. It was a miracle for him. Well for someone like him anyway; he knew a lot of people grew up like this and wouldn’t see it as such, but he, the naive country boy, did.
So he would walk into town most mornings and find a coffee shop: it had varied at the start, when he had been trying them all out, but now he had his favourites. He would go to the same one most of the time, or he would meet particular people in particular places. He liked routine. It made him feel safe.
Of course the regularity of this would depend on his work, and what else was going on. Choosing to work from home had many benefits. Sometimes he would meet various friends for coffee and other days he might see Tim, his flatmate for lunch. It varied, and a little bit of variation was always good.
On the whole though, he stuck to the same routines.
Routine meant he could find his way and not get lost.
Routine meant he found himself in this same coffee shop. He would order, always the same coffee, his laptop bag slung over his shoulder, his scarf wrapped securely around his neck, as he counted out the correct money from a little pile of coins that he nearly always had in his pocket. He would take the coffee, moving slowly through the cafe, careful not to spill any, and sit at a table, nearly always the same one.
Routine was this coffee: routine was sitting at this table and holding this mug, looking out the same window, at the same street, and the same shoppers. This sort of routine was good; for now anyway, he wasn’t going to deny himself it. Routine helped him to deal with everything else going on, because it just made everything else in his life seem normal for once. And that was always a good thing.