Title: Lost in the Music.
sophie_03 Flavour/Prompts: Vanilla #23 Music/Dancing/Singing
Extras/Toppings: none
Rating: G
Summary: he plays the same songs over and over, but it doesn't bother him. at times music is all he has.
Notes: another quite short one!
The guitar spoke to him; his fingers ran over the strings as he held the wooden instrument in his arms, it spoke a love song to him, it told him a story and he replied, replied with his song and his own words.
He would sit for hours, when no one else was around and just play, song after song; sometimes the same song for hours and hours, never tiring of its melody nor its magic. His music filled the small shabby flat that they lived in, and he was able to forget about all that. About whatever was troubling him that day, as soon as he picked up that guitar and started to play.
And the words came to him. They always did.
The faint sound of the guitar would filter through the walls, but there was never anyone there to hear it.
His fingers changed tune, playing his lullaby, filling the room with sounds of love and loss, and hope. He always found some hope somewhere, even in that shabby flat with nothing to lose. One day he would get there, he would find what he was searching for, for everything that he ever wanted, to make up for all that he had lost over the past few months. One day it would all seem okay again. And for now, this would do.
This was his escape, and always had been. He played for fun, because he could. He didn’t need to try and make it his living because that would only take the joy out of it. He had his other passion to make his living from. This was just a hobby.
He closed his eyes as he listened to the melody, his fingers moving automatically without his guidance. That was the way he liked it. He played songs he loved, and songs that he couldn’t get out of his mind, he played songs that he always remembered, and songs that he wrote himself. And they would all sound right; they would fill that gap and let him forget for a little while.
Music had always been with him. It had seen him through hard times, and good times, and was always there when he needed it. Unlike everything else music was dependable. It was a constant, while everything else in this life changed, music was always there. Like books, or nature. You could always rely on it. And it always held a special part in his heart. He didn’t think that he would ever be able to let go of it. He was always glad to find something so dependable in his life. He needed it.
He sung softly along with the tune, enjoying the moment and not wanting to let go and find himself back in reality, not yet anyway. It was moments like this that he knew it was worth being alive, just to have moments like this. It was definitely worth it.