Title: Alone Together
sophie_03 Warnings: none really.
Pairing/s: none.
Disclaimer: not true, don't own the characters etc.
Dedication: Jennnn :) love you!
Summary: they always seem to end up alone.
Notes: my first non mcfly fan fic type thing. if that makes any sense.
It's the Doctor and Jack.
And very short.
Alone Together
‘You always lose them don’t you, the ones you care about, the ones you love.’
The question was almost rhetorical - a statement rather, because he knew it was true. The man stood next to him didn’t answer, at least not straight away.
‘It’s always the same. And it never gets any easier. Each time it hurts too much.’
Silence again as the two men stood, looking out across the universe, earth seeming just so far away, contemplating this.
‘But we got each other, haven’t we? The two who always survive, somehow.’
‘Yeah. Funny how we always end up like this. End of the universe. Edge of the world. Just us.’
The doctor gave a small smile, not really to Jack, one that took in all that was in front of him; it was a sad smile, one of those reflective ones, as he remembered. A man so far from earth, but he’d had so much there. They both had.
All those memories. People they’d lost and hurt.
And they’d lost so much. But that was the price they both paid, one for his immortality, the other for being something different - not even human. A man, but a man with two beating hearts, a different race - unique. The last of his kind.
So they were left alone in the world- fell in love and then lost them again, just like that, and then they were lost, alone again. Two lone space travellers trapped in time and space, going round and round, doing it all again time after time, making the same human mistakes and they still hadn’t learnt. Neither of them had. They would never learn, because it was easier to keep on thinking that maybe one day it would work. They were both so human in that respect - because they always hoped and dreamed. And each time it always seemed perfect, but really it never was. There was always something in the way.
And it would always be that way.