Personal Thoughts~ :D

Jul 23, 2012 14:55

Found this from an old stash of word files~ :D
Lol, I wrote this around 2010 I guess~ just after the release of Q10 and after reading Ayn Rand's THE FOUNTAINHEAD.

Of self and being
A day about statistical analysis, of dreams yet to be live, of philosophers, of friendships, of failures, and of passions. We have yet to realize the worth of our existence, the impact of our lives, the totality of our being, I constantly remind myself as waves of discomfort confront me everyday that drifting into the tangled web of selflessness would not fit my case.

Of self and society
I am no one to anyone, if I am no one to myself. And yet I do not want to become someone to anyone, I don’t want to be locked in a caged of perceive and preempted personality. I long for companionship and yet I hate to be with everyone. The world is full of mediocrity, people come together to enjoy each others’ company, which will eventually come to the point where one being starts to become the other, copying and reinventing each other to suit the needs of the society and of the so called “bond of humans”, until an entwined web of other and self deception has entangled our very sense of being. Entangled in a web of no beginning and no origins. Of lies, hurts, deception, agony, and hatred. They say that the universe consist only of 23% dark substances and 73% dark energy. No wonder, most people are drawn into the web of selflessness, into a world of uniformity and animosity. The remaining 4%, once found should be treasured and cared for.

of the 4% other substances

Apparently, as time goes by the dark energy will increase and increase, until such time that the 4% other substances will become nothing but traces of dust in the universe. Other people are lucky enough to find that 4% other substances immediately but others they do not and would get tangled down like the rest of humanity into the pit of darkness, down the rabbits’ hair (SW much), and such.

I do not want to be tangled down into that web of mediocrity, of relaxation and of stagnation. I do not want to be tangled down to familiarity, to the peace and companionship that another person “brings” into my so called “life”. I am writing this now to remind myself if I ever find myself enjoying so called “selflessness” that I have to find that 4% of other substances, that 4% other substances that I will forever cherish.
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