Construction - complete!

Jul 16, 2012 18:04

After six weeks of massive disruption and dust unlike anything I have ever endured before, my new bedroom is complete! The previous batch of pictures showing the early stages can be found here

This shows the drywall that covers where the old bedroom door and closet door used to be. You can also see the door that some previous owner thought was a good style decision.

The gaps in the floor that needed to be filled in. Unfortunately, the hardwood in one room didn't align with the hardwood in the other room, meaning that we simply couldn't patch the gap. One room's worth of flooring needed to be ripped out and replaced. This was the only truly nasty surprise in the whole project, but it still didn't put me horrifically over budget.

Here's what the new doors look like. Much more in keeping with the general style of the house.

The beginnings of the new closet, but what's neat about this photo is that you can see what the floorboards look like under the hardwood.

The floor guys were amazing. Once everything was done, you couldn't tell the new flooring from the decades-old hardwood.

Solid wood floor vents. LOVE these. The vents used to be high up in the wall between the two rooms, so they had to be re-routed. The only problem I have with them is that the cat will block one of them 24/7 once I turn the heat on.

The new closet, with built-in shelves. I planned the layout myself, and the contractor built everything in. It's much more solid and was a hell of a lot cheaper than going with some sort of prefab modular closet system.

Moving the furniture back in was an adventure. I didn't have the dresser drawer in more than 10 seconds before someone decided it was a keen place to make a nest.

Everything's done (barring a few pictures going up) , and here's a view of the north half of the room.

And now the southern half.

What I am doing in my closet instead of drawers. Much more versatile.

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domestics, construction

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